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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. I'll try and get a few pics up for you today Its actually a very good fit all round, the only bits of carbon I may remove from my car are the ones that cover the metal on the steering wheel - not sure if its part of the kit but they are just stickers and look a bit cheap.
  2. Do you think its worth starting a new thread, may be a little less confusing?!
  3. That is a propper tool.. I do love the EVOs!
  4. Ahh.. so thats the colour my car should be Very nice Zed BTW
  5. +1, I used to always take up 2 spaces to stop my doors being dented but stopped after I kept getting parking tickets. No, if it was you you would have noticed as the Zeds were parked bonnet to bonnet.
  6. Made my Day Andrew. Cant wait to hear the next update! We're going to have to get a 350z-uk get well card arranged!
  7. All 3 look v. Someone parked opposite me at Tescos as well last night, was that you again MrLizard?
  8. Cheers Muddy, They are laquered but after speaking to 3FIDDYZ who has the same alloys, the laquer can deteriorate. (especially as the lanes i drive up and down on all day are just grit) I'll def give them a good clean then i'll try the super resin. If that works i'll try the JetSEAL or Poorboys, depending on which one i find first I'll take some before & after photos this weekend for you all
  9. Brilliant news Andrew, Really happy to hear it Wont be long till he's back on here "£99 Delivered & In Stock "
  10. 1st ANNUAL WEST MIDLANDS MEET 2pm on the 21st December 2008 at Cross Point Business Park, Coventry, CV2 2SZ You won't find many bigger car parks than this one for showcase, and plenty of food places...no dodgy barriers and only 2 small sleeping policemen.. 30 secs off the M6 J2 Attendee List: 1.IanS16 2.MrLizard +1 3.Nurrish 4.T8 JPE 5.CS 6. Jotun 7. Sunny + 1 8. Verma (If I have my car back by then...)
  11. Sounds like a good alternative, easy to get to with all the parking places we could dream of… +1
  12. Duhh.. I knew that. No Really, I did a job there today - i was just having a blonde moment Still not far for me though. Ok, we need to decide which of the pubs as this thread is making us Midlanders look indecisive (only joking) I say A45 (Fancy a carvery )
  13. +1 on the time & food. I really dont care where, both are in Solihull so only just down the road. Car park size doesnt really matter too much, theres only 6 of us
  14. About 10.45 I think. I never see 3 zeds in one day, let alone within 5 minutes of each other
  15. IanS16

    Mag Photoshoot!

    Nice one! Nice wheels too
  16. Yeh it will be full of crap but you will know straight away if its what I am thinking. If the rears are set too soft that the wheel arch may be rubbing against the sidewall of the tyre when its under load ie in compression in a bend with one side taking the weight.... There will be a black sticky residue on the wheel arch.. Oh I see what you mean! I'll have a look as soon as I get back to my car. Thanks mate
  17. Blue ragtop- think it was zedmanalex- all I could see was a huge spoiler coming at me. Then 20 secs later a sunset coupe with carbon nismo spoiler. Then a minute later a kuro coupe. Was there a midland meet that I wasn't invited to??
  18. Ok cheers guys. Looks like I'm going to have to go to a suspension specialist. I can hear my wallet crying from here
  19. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/410981/bl ... locks_car/ And if that doesn't work, you can put one of the windows through with it! Surely someone from the RAC/AA can unlock it. My dads Jag (was years ago though) was unlocked with a slidy thing down the side of the window.
  20. I still don't know what you mean but I just hope I don't 'find out' Anyway, should be a good mini meet!
  21. I'll do the arch rub tomorrow but isn't the clicky axle thing constant, not just when cornering? p.s. Its winter, aren't my arches going to be full of sh!t anyway?
  22. Its more like a wheel of fortune clicker. At first i thought the alloy was clipping the caliper but there is no sign of wear so i don't think its that. If it had blown a seal surely i would see some sort of drop or change in handling? Oh, and i have no clue if its front or back as it only happens when i'm going along. I'm pretty sure it sounds like its from the front though.
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