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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. Really sad to hear this, I'd just like to say thanks for all of the help and support ESR/Phil/yourself have provided in the past.
  2. I installed these on my first zed, made no noticable difference what so ever. I'm on my second zed now and I defo won't bother buying them again. So what the hell are they? a crank pulley or a harmonic dampener?
  3. Stuff like that has happened to me before buddy. I think the Zed is probably quicker than a stock Type R but its cheap as chips to remap the ECU, change the air filter etc. My mate has the old shape on an 02 plat and has spent about £2k on performance mods and his Type R kept up with my old Zed!
  4. I like it, looks like an AMG
  5. No probs CS. I'm currently running the K&W variant 3 and I must say its a hell of a better ride than stock. It just feels tighter and less twitchy overall! Definitely recommend it!
  6. i just sprayed/spat lemsip all over my lounge. That's the funniest thing I've read in while! Brake Hamster Power
  7. Thanks mike, why don't you come down? The mods only show up for the wales meets Some of them turn up all over the place Really? I still owe one of the mods a beer Zedfest Isn't Zedfest in September?
  8. IanS16

    Seen this today

    I wouldn't want to strap a £15 item to my ECU. I would be interested to see if it works though, especially as the main problem with tuning a Zed is the restriction of airflow by the ECU.
  9. Thanks mike, why don't you come down? The mods only show up for the wales meets Some of them turn up all over the place Really? I still owe one of the mods a beer
  10. http://www.kw-suspension.co.uk/ street to track use Cheers Mike
  11. Well he seems to like his Utec XS turbo systems He mentions them every other post!
  12. Whats the difference between Var 1, 2 and 3?
  13. My old bose used to play CDRs fine, not sure about CDRWs though
  14. Thats great Andrew. Any chance we can send something to the hospital for him. +1 Glad to hear the good news again Andrew, hope it keeps on coming!
  15. pdf file attached of 350z technical drawing. May be of some use to someone.
  16. To be honest I think its more of not paying attention than speeding. Good video though, i think one of the best points it the little finger to be honest. Many times i have been in mates cars and they have done burnouts or driven ridiculously fast to show off (and i've done it myself and had a bump in my 206 a while ago).
  17. +1. The View unread posts and search are about the only buttons i use
  18. Thats scary stuff. You would have thought they would have stopped the leaks by now!
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