... ct_ID=1027
Take a look at the Blitz air filter. Doesnt give the whoosh sound of the pop charger but does give the RAARRGH sound at about 4k revs. Also a bit larger than the others i've seen and as its all aluminium it doesn't need oiling. (plus its less common)
Bit more expensive but worth it IMO.
Alex, I know I sent you pretty much the same thing yesterday but I thought I'd better let you know Im Englandy. If you want to send me a few parts I've got 10 million Ugandan dollars sitting in an offshore bank account though! (that emoticons mean to be "look at my balance")
HAHAHA dude i do the exact same thing, so your not alone
BMW 5 series are also popular with police in the glasgow area
Thats at least three of us then. I despise people who buy black volvos, octavias and mondeos.
No, nowhere near Robin Hood Island.
People who live where I do are snobs I'm the one everyone hates in my area with high flow cats and a big exhaust
Let my mate drive my car today and he mentioned that the feedback is dull too. He's come from a celica.
I'm running Toyo Proxies and haven't really noticed it myself.
On my 02 plate JDM i had TCS only, It had the leather seats and Bose but no brembos.
On my 03 plate JDM Ive got VDC and Brembos but no leather nor Bose so Im assuming the VDC comes as part of a performance Trim option.
Not sure about ESP!
Mike (M13KYF), I just realised - He's copied your signature in this post
Oh, and for anyone that didn't realise - it was a joke, he's not really a 12 year old chav but he does own a lovely stock 1.4 focus
When I first passed my test I almost sent myself through the windscreen trying to left foot brake I always try and match revs though, I thought everyone did that? Would be pretty cool to have the car do it though - super smooth
Love that orange 370!
Focus boy actually works in my office and sends his appologies if he offended anyone. I was going to say something but didnt want to be a killjoy as I though it was pretty funny. Especially the tights over his lights comment - apparently when he used to work at Rover, his mates used to do this with their ZRs
Cheered up quite a few peoples Friday afternoons actually by the look of it.
(Chesterfield - he was talking about
You're quick enough to post a pic of the G or your stick on numberplate Sarnie.... You could give us a hand:lol:
Only jokin Nic and sorry for asking a lady's age:blush: