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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. Not a fan of that. Its good to have something different though - Never seen one before
  2. Hey everyone, I have a brand new Kodak C813 Digital Camera for sale, still sealed. Specs: 8.2 MP camera for prints up to 30 × 40 in. (76 × 102 cm) 3X optical zoom lens 2.4 in. (6.1 cm) indoor/outdoor color display Digital image stabilization High ISO, up to 1250 HD still capture Video with sound and print options http://www.ciao.co.uk/Kodak_EASYSHARE_C ... ew_5784434 Selling this as it was part of a computer bundle but wouldn't be used. I'm after £40 delivered. Thanks for looking.
  3. Sorry if this post was sarcasm, but I can`t see it. It looks like someone has bought some vinyl and got their kids to prit stick it wherever they saw fit. The Zds interior my be cheap and plasticky but it works on this great jap car and no amount of vinyl woodgrain should be seen within 100 yards of it. Lets keep the woodgrain to the luxury taxi folk I don't see why not either. Wood makes interiors look expensive!
  4. +1 So I have heard from a few reliable sources. Also heard that the nismo versions have a non-dumbing ECU. But then again, who can prove the Zeds stock ECU does cancel out mods. Maybe this was a lie started by ECU companies. when i reset an engine code for Throttle responce, we set up the car on the OBD II reader, with my JWT it showed throttle response at only 90%, the engine was not having to work as hard, because the JWT let more air in, it there just used less throttle. I wonder why people are saying the ECU adapts over a week then if it showed for you instantly? With the stock air filter did it show 100% Surely if it measures the air flow then it would try to restrict FI? (BTW I'm not arguing - just gathering info )
  5. I saw this on the TV too. Absolutely remarkable.
  6. +1 So I have heard from a few reliable sources. Also heard that the nismo versions have a non-dumbing ECU. But then again, who can prove the Zeds stock ECU does cancel out mods. Maybe this was a lie started by ECU companies.
  7. Ok cheers guys! Will have a look at Steve3000's guide to changing the aux belts and get them re-tightened. Its here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... =tensioner in case anyone needs it. I never thought about Fletch - good idea. Now to try and get the engine tray off Anyone got a spare just incase
  8. I think im going to have to get one once they have been out a year or so. REALLY grown on me
  9. Is it not going to come off when you put the windows up. Or scratch them I think it looks pretty good. Would be perfect if brushed metal.
  10. Really it should be third party mate. Oh, and I cant remember which way round is cheapest but try choosing the bodykit bits separately ie. tick sideskirts, front bumper, spoiler etc instead of bodykit.
  11. cheers AK. Any idea how I check if its that? Do I do the ruler on the belt measurement?
  12. I never saw that one. Pretty cool. Wonder how they did the cadburys one, whether it was CGI, electro stimulation or done slowly and sped up?
  13. http://www.motorsportvision.co.uk/brand ... ind-us.asp Sounds like a good event!
  14. Wonder if you could buy a nismo ECU from nissan parts dept? Would have thought it would be plug and play!? (Sorry for going off topic)
  15. In the last month or so I have noticed a squealing sound coming from the engine bay that matches my revs. Took the car to a garage for something else and the mechanic (who told me my car was crap and that his 3000 GT had as much power - 3.0 TT.. REALLY??!) said that it was due to a worn aux belt. Had a little search through the forum and the general rule of thumb is to change every 5 years or so. Well, I only bought my car off big phil about 4 months ago and it had brand new belts fitted then so i'm not sure its that and as I said the mechanic was an idiot. Anyway, any ideas on what it could be - its embarrassing pulling up at lights sounding like a bag of nails.
  16. Has anybody else seen it yet? It's the funniest advert I've seen since the VW polo "I'm a man yes I am" advert http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0SjUXdBovpg
  17. Wonder if the Nismo ECU cancels out mods? If not then i'd happily swap my manual for the auto!
  18. I'd never be able to afford the insurance if i went FI. Its over 2 grand for 10 months already! Would like to go turbo though! whoosh
  19. I see Nismo as the same as M on a BMW. You wouldn't complain that your 3 series has the M bits!
  20. I always wondered where the Zemo thing was from. Just thought you were a little
  21. +1 I had to move my car with the centre console unplugged & never got an engine light on. Should really throw a cel just by fitting a new hu +2 I did today too to fit my sub. Even drove the car without the ac controls and white box thing (it knocks out all of your dials) but i didn't get an engine light.
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