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Everything posted by GreenSheener

  1. GreenSheener


    lol, show you how much my brain distorted the facts when trying to remember link is here http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=17422 cost is 14k-16k, not 5k, whoops but if a tvr rebuild is 7-8k, if the "wilder" engines last 3x longer, i suppose it might be worth it. remember though, as expensive to own as TVRs are, they are supercars, 0-60 under 5 seconds, 170+ top end, never mind rarity, noise and presence
  2. GreenSheener


    ive always loved cerberas and even looked into gettin a 4.5 v8 one and a TDI runabout, from the owners i talked to, the straight 6 engines need the regular rebuilds, hence why autotrader is full of tamoras, tuscancs etc. with 25-30K miles on em. but piston heads (i think) did an article on a company who do the rebuild and "make them better". something about the engine being too stressed and not enough cooling. they back the timing off slightly, increase the capacity slightly, and improve the oil and water cooling systems, all for about £5k. the result being an engine with at least the same power as standard thats good for normal 95 fuel and more realistic service intervals will post link when i find it. the V8s have their own problems, the thing that put me off was that one guy told me "average servicing starts at £400 and can easily rise to £4000" plus it would kill me driving a tdi to work when i know theres a cerb' on the drive crying to be driven, lol
  3. use the "i thought they were chasing me, and feared for my life" line, the the fuzz started sniffing around plus theres isnt any way they can prove your speed, just his as he careered into the kerb. (unless there were 3rd party wintesses or camera/tyre evidence.) i'd have been tentative about stopping as some geezers take losing very badly, never mind damaging their car in the process, they couldve got nasty but luckily they didnt. i had a car full of neds tailgating me in a peugeot 106 gti/quicksilver last w/end, he wasnt there long
  4. but i like the noise, and it feels perkier, especially at the top end of the rev range, just waiting for the ecu to start interfering
  5. Fitted it after work today, only took 20mins, including ecu reset f*** me! what a difference! also love the noise goes and sounds more like it looks now cheers Phil
  6. cheers will do might just get a popcharger if everyone else seems to be ok with them, its just that peeps were always weary of oiled filters on 200sx's because of their AFM. £95 with heat shield does seem tempting
  7. Hi guys, Is there anyone who has a spare heat shield that i can pinch (cheeky, i know ) or buy from them, or anyone who can make me one please? the reason i ask is that i really want an apexi induction kit, but they dont come with heat shields secondly, a real noob question, do 350z's have air flow meters or MAP sensors? as ive heard that oiled filters can play havoc with AFMs, hence another reason why i like the idea of the apexi kit. cheers guys
  8. im interested aswell, as im hunting for a fascia surround, have been advised any will do, but i dont want a gap like that. i have found one on ebay (US), http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BKNN1456 ... .m20.l1116 might be worth a pop
  9. i saw him too! i didnt see you though, lol think he lives near me, next road down
  10. lol, now the left door speakers randomly stops working, but if i give the left hand side of the centre console a tap on the side, it works again, til i have to brake hard then it dies again. hahaha cant wait for my "PACs" to arrive from the good ol' US of A.
  11. no adams apple either, so im pretty sure its a female stereo, is the 350z ariel loom end male or female?
  12. speaking of which it has just arrived it is a Clarion DUZ388RMP http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/clarion ... -6472.html got a micra adapter aswell which fits in the back nicely the ariel plug in the back is basically a hole in the chassis so im guessing female
  13. Im well confused.. i tohught i needed 1 Headunit Micra speaker harness PAC-ROEM1 to use the BOSE sub & amp maybe an aerial adaptor The other PAC adaptor for the steering wheel controls but now ive seen a ISO adapter from dvb audio http://www.dvbcaraudio.co.uk/nissan-350 ... -3309.html which does all of the above. please help my brain is melting
  14. I understand you need a facia adapter if replacing the bose HU with aftermarket, but do you need to buy a fascia for an aftermarket double din stereo? i thought you just put in t'hole like,? lol
  15. cheers guys will get cracking when my 200sx is sold
  16. Anyone? also, found some that say are compatible with steering wheels controls eg. http://www.dvbcaraudio.co.uk/clarion-wx ... 993b2726f7 does that mean you dont need the PAC thingy?
  17. Had my car a week and im sick of the CD's skipping already! lol, from reading the forums im guessing i need:- double din head unit, Halfrauds plug adapter for loom, micra speaker adapter,and a crazy PAC thing to make Steering wheel controls work. also possibly an ariel adapter now, if i get these, and with payment of Tea,Beer and/or money, would there be anyone willing to fit or help me fit these please? as although ive fitted stereos before, this sounds quite daunting. Im 5 minutes from J28 on the M1.
  18. Seen'ed yer! was in my New Black Zed!!! (i say new, tis only a 53 plate, but new to me,lol)
  19. i apologise for ressurrecting old threads, but ive heard the clip of the scorpion system, and it sounds awesome, but i was wondering if anyone has found them too loud for general driving especially nightime, as i do a lot of on call (to pay for my silly hobbies, ) and my 200sx made quite a noise even on tick over, which when started at 2 or 3am cant of made me my neighbours flavour of the month. cheers guys picking my car up in half an hour!!!!!!! pix to follow
  20. will do, cant stop smiling, im as giddy as a kipper lol
  21. Ta very much! hopefully collecting her on saturday, providing the funds transfer in time
  22. HI ! Hopefully soon to be joining the world of 350z ownership from the 200sx scene. guess ill be swapping smokey turbos and leaky intercoolers for v6 madness? lol
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