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Everything posted by GreenSheener

  1. car has just got to 70000 miles, serviced regularly, only ever use super unleaded, engine oil looks used but good, and no metallic bits in it, oil level and pressure are fine. its so odd, been fine till this week it does sound v poorly tho recovery vehilce is coming at 10am, taking it to a local engine specialist, fingers crossed
  2. Hi guys, hoping someone can offer some advice, i have a 2003 350z, with a few simple mods, pleum spacer, panel filter, y-pipe, apexi exhaust and ecu unlocked at abbey motorsport, the car is serviced regularly and has been flawless, until this week. driving to work i noticed a slight rattle at 3000rpm as i entered the works car park, i assumed it was just a rattly heat sheild. but whe i took it to my local exhaust garage, they said my big end bearings have gone! the rattle has become very loud at 3000rpm now. i ended up calling a\recovery vehicle an got towed home i was that worried. thing is, my oil level and pressure is fine, and this is the first time its ever made this kind of noise. anyone have any ideas what else it could be? injector mis timed? knocking? its going toan engine specialist today, i hope i dont need a rebuild two days before xmas
  3. oooops, just read the original post date, sorry for digging up old post
  4. ooooo! me! lol, hi, didnt see you, sorry on my jaunt to work down the a38 I see a dark blue 350z with bonnet bulge, who ive tried falshing, nodding to etc. no repsonse, and more recently a gun metal grey one, who waved back. ill keep an eye for yer from know on
  5. to add another option, i was severly bored the other day, and began rummaging through my old s14 200sx bits i had in the shed, only to find the HKS panel filter i bought ages ago was still in the old standard airbox, and to my surprise was exactly the same size as the oem 350z panel filter. bunged it in, did a quick ecu reset, and bobs yer uncle ive got no dyno proof, but the car seems to have more low-end grunt with the panel filter my popcharger is now sat in the back bedroom.....
  6. Apologies for bringing up an old thread, but on a similar line, im fitting my new discs and pads tomorrow (custom dimples only discs from ebc, and redstuff pads) and was just wondering if anyone knew the torque settings for the caliper bolts etc. so we dont either not tighten them enough of too much on re-fitting cheers guys
  7. YO! was stuck behind a treat in an audi at the lights, otherwise would've flashed yer car sounded nice
  8. yeah exactly, mine goes down to 10ft/lb, and like you say you usually hear ratings of least 20ft/lbs, i guess its because i usually only use the torque wrench for tightening wheel nuts etc. im still driving round with the window down to hear th exhaust note, lol now im gunning it with window down (all within specified speed restrictions obviously )
  9. thanks for the replies, that sounds cool. we fitted te valve for completeness, but i was just going to leave it open anyway thinking about it, rather than having to kep pissing about with it. with regards to torque, we used the socket driver, gently does it method. do em up finger tight in order then go round and do about 3/4 power in order then full hand tight, my torque wrench goes down to 10ft/lb, which is still too much lol. my dad said just imagine if someone just glimpsed and read the readings as ft/lb not inch/lb ouch
  10. lol, jeffthe9eyedspider, err not sure where that came from, just needed a username, and thats what came after three bottles of london pride, lol. shire350z, i live in Swanwick near Alfreton, i have seen a grey 350z a couple of times, not sure if was you, it was always in traffic, only saw a glimpse of it, usually in me g/friends yaris. the only other one i see is a very dark blue 350z on the a38 as i drive into derby for work, he is always goin in other direction am - i go into derby, he's comin out pm - vice/versa ive triec flashing and waving at him , but to no avail
  11. sorry for late reply, had sunday lunch, and some beers, game over ,lol. bit of a long one this, so, bear with me i got the exhaust from a website called www.turbomatrix.co.uk now before anyone goes on that site, let me just warn you. i ordered the exhaust on the 12/12/2008, and i actually ordered a greddy sp2, the money came out my account two days later but i didnt get an exhaust until feb 21. there is no contact phone number, and e-mail replys although the site says "all e-mails answered in 24 hours" take at least 2 days even when threatening to cancel. 10th of Jan i received an e-mail saying he couldnt greddy anymore and tried to sell me an exhaust selling on ebay for £300, for £450, i said "err, no" nothing for two weeks, so i replied, again saying i was goin to cancel as he was a cowboy, then magically some alternatives turned up, including an APEXi N1 system (thats right n1). now, anyone whos owned a subaru may have heard of the website owner of www.flat4online.co.uk apparently flat4online was notorious for taking peoples money and then disappearing, which made my a litle nervous. but by chasing him constantly, the exhaust did finally turn up, Feb 25th in short:- 12.12.2008 - ordered Greddy sp2 10.01.2009 - Tried to sell me ebay exhaust for silly money 16/01/2009 - Offers discounted price for APEXi N1, Megan Racing, or TSUDO systems, i went for APEXi 09.02.2009 - exhaust dispatched from LA international airport 25.02.2009 - i opened the apexi box to find a ws2 system in there (which i actually preferred anyway, and could nt be arsed to chase anything up further lol) all in all i paid, after customs and delivery etc. £795 fantastic exhaust just ensure your supplier is a reliable source sorry to go on, but it been a bit stressful, sore point etc. (whats a saga!)
  12. Just a quick clip of my APEXi WS2 system, (oem y-pipe and cats)had it fitted about a week now, let me know what you think
  13. Hi Guys, finally got round to fitting the plenum spcaer today. took just under a couple of hours, didnt want to rush the hardest bit was finding a torque wrench that went as low as 40inch-lbs on the first test run i didnt notice too much of a difference, but after doing an ECU reset, it was very noticeable, lots more pull in the mid range, and im sure it altered the exhaust note slightly, very very happy, just need to keep an eye on the bolts for a week or so, make sure nothing is working loose. one quick question to anyone whos already fitted this mod, regarding the coolant control valve, its says not to close it when the environmental temp. is below 12 degrees celcius, what would happen if it was closed below this temp? has anyone ran the car with the valve closed below this temp.? the only thing i could think of is that if the plenum got too cold, the throttle body would freeze (not good) any ideas? cheers guys
  14. thanks for the offer, ive since shown the old man the video of fitting the spacer, to which he replied "how hard can it be"..... so.. now WE are going to fit it ill keep yer posted David
  15. cheers guys, does seem like it could beomce a nightmare if not done properly
  16. got a photo of the exhaust, sorry its not great, its off my phone ive got a clip as well, but im a bit special and am in the process of gettin it online without my number plate showing, doh
  17. HI everyone, just a quick question really I'm hoping to get a 5/16 plenum spacer for my birthday, but am a bit nervous to fit it, so was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere that would fit it for me within a reasonable distance (I live 5mins from j28 of the m1). also, just had my new exhaust fitted, apexi ws2 im in love, nice and quiet on tick over, but give it some beans and it gives you the good stuff cheers David
  18. i meant on the OEM system, for people who want a bit more growl, when money is tight. but i bet the greddy of blitz would also sound pretty sweet with the silencer taken out.
  19. has anyone tried getting a garage/ exhaust place to replace the silencer on the mid section with a straight bit of pipe? wouldnt cost much , and might make a difference? just a thought
  20. Woah! havent been on for a while, just checked this thread out, what a rollercoaster! at least there is some good news coming in Best wishes from Nicola and I, at what must be an awful time. We had something on a similar line with my niece a few years ago, she got E.coli 0157 when she was 5, ended up in surgery to relieve pressure on her brain, and given 24hrs to live, but it shows how strong people can be can how the body can repair Chloe is now back at school and you wouldnt know it to look at her that she'd had such a horrible illness
  21. i got the clarion fitted because my BOSE decided it didnt like playing the left speakers anymore or playin CDs. i like the USB function best, really easy to swap songs. i wanted summit quite cheap as id just spunked out the cash on buying the car, and didnt wna owt bling. will post pix asap all my mates have commented on how stock it looks and yet how nice it sounds, lol.
  22. i know its in the US, just wondering if anyone has heard of these and/or tried it out? http://www.350evo.com/catalog/product_i ... ucts_id/51 sounds very cheap,
  23. Swanwick, Derbyshire (where theres nowt but fields!!!)
  24. any updates in the ecu situation? is our only option to buy stand alone items, or is there a race on to "crack" the oem ecu? (is it even possible?) that would be good, as im sure it would make tuning cheaper and get one up on the ecu NAZI's!
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