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Everything posted by drewbie

  1. Excellent, another memeber and another roadster. On your legal issue - if it was advertised as having cruise then you certainly have a claim. If it is a brand new car then obviously the value of the cruise control can be worked out pretty easily by just looking what Nissan charge for it as an optional extra on their range. If it's second hand then it becomes more difficult to ascertain the value of cruise. Basically you have to work out how much more a car with cruise is worth over a car that hasn't got it, the difference being the claim. It'll be a few hundred quid so worth claiming. Obviously going to court's a pain so have a reasonable chat and see where it goes. You could always settle for free servcing etc so that his actual outlay is reduced but the value to you is still there - just an idea. Can you tell my wife's a partner in a law firm ? Hope it helps
  2. drewbie

    New mod!

    Nicest FAIRY lights I've seen mate. Not sure they'll go down well in Bury if you ever go down to Stans, but next time we meet up in Manchester I'm sure you'll get plenty of attention ! No seriously, they're ... Catch you soon.
  3. I've been on a few times over the last few weeks and thought how quite it is. I guess people are on hols and the rest of us have had their credit well and truly crunched - which means no mods, which means fewer posts. Be excellent to get a 'most online' date and time set up.
  4. +1 Used AutoGlym for years on 5 diffrent cars and always had great results.
  5. I wanted to get rid of my Bridgestones within 5k miles of buying it brand new. Used the opportunity to upgrade to 19" Nismos and shod them in skinny Toyo's. Ride is as good if not better, road noise better even though they are quite a bit wider (275 on rear) and grip is awesome. Plus they have a great tread pattern - all adds to the look.
  6. I thought it was a thin chauffeur sorry, stoned again. made me laugh
  7. They reckon at least every 3 yrs for a full change and clean out - also gets rids of bugs that can grow in there and cause nasty niffs. Had it doen on my last two cars between 2-3 yrs old. Works wonders. About £100 I think - although they were company ones so didn't really take much notice of the cost. I alwasy change the brake fluid at the same time. It also lasts about this lenght of time. Absorbs water slowly and becomes less effective. Std change is usually every 2 yrs.
  8. Awesome I'm neeeeeeeeeeed some of those soooooooooo much !
  9. One of my bungs was well wedged in. Took Phil's mechanic over 1/2 an hour to get out. In end he attached mole grips and then hit mole grips with hammer - came out eventually, bit by bit. Phil was going to send me a replacement but still waiting. I hardly ever put it back as it's so tight. I have to hammer it in, then mole grip and hammer out. Mole grip and hammer works better than pulling as it's a sharper shock. it will come out bit by bit. took 20 whacks though.
  10. deeper - less tinny - louder ? i'm not so sure do the bungs cause back pressure ? do they make the sound quieter but the exhaust its self louder - if that makes sense, i know they do that on my bike YES ..............they create back pressure - hopefully not too much else exhaust valves etc can burn out. I'm sure ESR know what they're doing though. Even with the bungs in I bet the back pressure isn't more than the std exhaust was anyway. I'll let you know if my engine blows up ! NO........it doesn't make sense, to a thick manc like me anyway
  11. Hi Pal, glad it worked out. Looks like you got a bargain. I did warn you how loud it was though. When they are brand new there is some high tinny noises. Once it gets a layer of carbon in it these will go leaving just the deeper bass tones. Mine has started to lose it's higher pitches but it still F'in loud. Even with the baffles in it's no fun on the mototrway. Amazing in an underground car park though........... gave mine a blast in one today to hear the crackles on lift off........set off 3 car alarms !!!!!!!
  12. Hi Pal, glad it worked out. Looks like you got a bargain. I did warn you how loud it was though. When they are brand new there is some high tinny noises. Once it gets a layer of carbon in it these will go leaving just the deeper bass tones. Mine has started to lose it's higher pitches but it still F'in loud. Even with the baffles in it's no fun on the mototrway. Amazing in an underground car park though........... gave mine a blast in one today to hear the crackles on lift off........set off 3 car alarms !!!!!!!
  13. i would have loved to come but going down to the Fat Duck at Bray ( Heston Blumenthals' place) as part of my 40th celebrations - starting 10 years early obviously !!! catch you guys next time.
  14. Guys - thanks for the memories. Quoting Vinny in Lock,Stock and two Smoking Barrels - " it was emotional".
  15. Give it a go and let me know. Be warned though. K1 is bloody loud ! I love it but it isn't much fun on motorways.
  16. Have to be with Clarkie - the Nismo's look awesome. Quite a costly mod though, especially when you spray on some decent rubber. My car looks a lot meaner and the wheels really fill out the arches.
  17. It's called V Power these days Pops !
  18. 1. Exhaust - the sound of a car is half the fun 2. get rid of std Bridgestones NOW ! Toyo's are excellent and will transform levels of grip. rest is less critical and more money dependant. I'm going for full KW coilovers next though as the handling is meant to transform. Whatever you do, enjoy it.
  19. 1. Exhaust - the sound of a car is half the fun 2. get rid of std Bridgestones NOW ! Toyo's are excellent and will transform levels of grip. rest is less critical and more money dependant. I'm going for full KW coilovers next though as the handling is meant to transform. Whatever you do, enjoy it.
  20. I have just had a K1 fitted. I took it out of all the wrapping. This is IDENTICAL. Clealry the manufacturer is selling them to others as well as Phil. Bugger that I paid £395 + fitting !!
  21. Sod the pump, sell the car and get a choptop ! Keeps you cool and you get a free tan thrown in - well for 2 days a year anyway
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