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Everything posted by drewbie

  1. Ersen - if you are interested after getting Martin's PM then let me know. Otherwise I'll keep it on here for sale. Thanks
  2. +1 and as Digsy says stick with 18s Got to agree on the colours here, although much prefer 19's on Zed's. They fill the arch much better and also save the need for spacers. I'm on 19" Nismos and the ride is perfect, can't tell difference from stock 18's - apart from much better grip ( wider and better tyres ).
  3. Welcome. It's great to have another drop top amongst us.
  4. Hi Martin, it's not come through yet, but I'll respond as soon as it does. See you in Wales. Hope your well.
  5. From memory they were £255 for a pair, which makes it £127.50.
  6. Have ended up with one brand new ( still in Nissan box ) rear left LED brake light unit due to a dealer sending out two lefts, instead of one left, one right. If anyone is about to buy some, or has a damaged left unit let me know. Can bring to Wales meet or send by Registered Mail. £50 + £10 postage if required.
  7. Tom Toms look good value and have lots of features. It has been my, and many others, experience that these aren't always delivered. Navigation isn't always accurate, getting signals can be slow/poor etc etc. Garmin every time. See reviews on websites that offer all makes. Garmin wins every time and loads swapped from Tom Tom to Garmin despite the expense. Amazon has a lot of examples.
  8. Updated. Thanks. 1. Beavis +1........................2 x carvery 2. martinmac +1 .................2 x carvery 3. AndySpak........................Too Scared 4. Shire +1.......................... 5. Stanski +1 .....................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 6. Little Miss........................ 7. Squarehead+1................2 x carvery 8. Maccaman .....................1 x carvery 9. H5.................................. 10. flirt............................... 11. Chesterfield + 1............2 x carvery 12. M13KYF +1...................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 13. IanS16 +1..................... 14. Drewbie..+ 1................2 x carvery 15. nurrish......................... 16. Chris`I +1................... 17. nixu +1....................... 18. xStric9x +1 (TBC)........ 19. jonb ...........................1 x carvery 20. RobD7 +1.................... 21. Stew +1 (TBC).............. 22. Lomoto .......................1 x carvery 23. Jotun +1 .....................2 x carvery 24. Rentech+1...................2 x carvery 25. ricardo........................2 x carvery 26. Neil + 1.......................2 x carvery
  9. Nice welding ! PHIL - was going for a kinetix next time I came up, think I'll just go for the spacer now and use the original.
  10. As he says it stands out from all other Zeds - probably as it sounds as if it goes down roads sidewards and with only a faint glow from the headlights at night. I'll give it a miss
  11. welcome. hurry up and then you can join in the fun that's owning a Zed. hopefully see you at a meet in the near future.
  12. I'm a definite but hopefully will be bringing wifey as well subject to babysitter, cheers. Beavis - Thanks for organising, appreciated.
  13. drewbie

    New wheels

    Nice wheels, look great and matt black paint as well, very now !
  14. drewbie


    money poorly spent IMO. Paid extra for customising that has now meant it is worth less than a std..........mainly 'cos it looks poo! Still no accounting for taste........got to go now, shopping for Y fronts
  15. Amazing finish, share the secret !!
  16. Haven't investigated any possibility of joining in..... YET! Wont be the same without you STEW ! That and my tan is fading so I was relying on seeing you to make me feel better/browner.
  17. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac 3. AndySpak 4. Shire 5. Stanski 6. Little Miss 7. Squarehead 8. Maccaman 9. H5 10. flirt 11. Chesterfield 12. M13KYF 13. IanS16 14. Drewbie Looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
  18. Thanks.. What is the 'J' of your rims mate? Are they 8.5J x 19" and 9.5J x 19"? Last question....promise Correct !
  19. Nismo 19" alloys with the recommended 245/35 and 275/35 toyo's. Had them for a few months and love them. Stick to the recommended sizes and you can't go wrong.
  20. shouldn't this have been posted on www.nerd.com
  21. Fab colour - here's to another rusty ! Love the orange LED's in the headlights - if any member knows how to get those put in can they send me a PM pleeeeeeeease. Welcome to the club and look forward to seeing it in the flesh at a meet.
  22. My first test drive in a Zed hooked me good and proper and I had to buy it there and then - luckily I got persuaded to have a look at more. In the end I got a brand new one but just take your time. As others have said there are loads for sale and it's your money ( quite a bit of it ) so spend it wisely and don't be too impatient. Getting the right one that's been cherished will reward you for many years too come. Personally I'd buy one from a member on here. Most are Zed fanatics and most of the cars have been clean, polished and loved (literally in some cases I think) every day of their lives.
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