managed to get down for a few hours today...quite a good show i thought. weather was really on and off went from lovely sunshine and all the scantilly clad ladies came out spreading themselves across some an array of machinery to heavy hail storms which had everyone cowling behind the big people to avoid getting there faces shot blasted.
nice to see the Zeds there....although took me ages to find you. i had to walk round some right shite before seeing the Zed camp. Loving the black rotas on the GM car and Shire liking the carbon wing!!
track time was hilarious, there was some oil on one of the corners which had everyone fooled and provided non stop entertainment!
so after spending 5 hours polishing my car you can imagine the dissapointment when i saw the car park was a mud field! anyway, did some of my own drifting on the way out so it wasnt all bad!
the envy car was pretty special, a nice piece of kit kevin....looked even better with the busty blonde that was bent over the bonnet