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Everything posted by S1 HNK

  1. i hate to say it buts its just gonna be yet another over priced, impratical lotus that will only appeal to a very small niche. my mate works in the lotus garage near me and the prices of some of the cars in the showroom and just comical when you see what you get...or what you dont get!!!!
  2. well thats this years holiday dilemma over......anyone know who flys to sweden??
  3. S1 HNK


    my mate recently swapped his Zed for an e46 m3 (purely for the back seats) and it is a fair bit quicker than the Zed, i think you would need to do alot of mods to compete. sounds rubbish tho compared to the Zed!
  4. those things are worse on fuel than the Zed!!!
  5. just a tarted up gt3 for track use its not an official model or anything. plates dont look very foreign to me!
  6. S1 HNK

    LED rear lights

    there was a guy on here selling them but that was a while back. holdcroft nissan on ebay often have them. around the 200-250 for the pair. i think they are worth it but others would disagree!
  7. nooooooooo not the red lip!! i just think that the 350z is such a stylish car and putting a red lip on the wheels just looks tacky. just my opinion of course!
  8. not cheap though and i would think the insurance would be pretty high. awesome car though!
  9. i like the r26, a brilliant car. disagree that the clio 197 gets poor reviews...generally considered one of the best hatches especially in r27 form.
  10. f430, enzo and f50 so far....
  11. what was captain birdseye doing at a rolling road day? he's not gonna catch any fish there is he!!!
  12. yeah i thought that was one supercharged, i know its an official nissan car. been in the press alot about a year ago but he had the bonnet up on it revving it and it had a blow off valve and sounded like it was turbo'd, im sure it even looked like it had a turbo
  13. the black looked alot better than i thought, i think the red lip is a stage too far though. just my opinion obviously but i think the all black or even a dark anthracite would compliment the carbon on yours really well. i saw the black turbo'd Z in the max power stand with the bronze nismos...think they look really cool but suit black better than GM. You cant go wrong with the GM/Black theme. shame i didnt get to see this engine bay of yours!!!!!
  14. managed to get down for a few hours today...quite a good show i thought. weather was really on and off went from lovely sunshine and all the scantilly clad ladies came out spreading themselves across some an array of machinery to heavy hail storms which had everyone cowling behind the big people to avoid getting there faces shot blasted. nice to see the Zeds there....although took me ages to find you. i had to walk round some right shite before seeing the Zed camp. Loving the black rotas on the GM car and Shire liking the carbon wing!! track time was hilarious, there was some oil on one of the corners which had everyone fooled and provided non stop entertainment! so after spending 5 hours polishing my car you can imagine the dissapointment when i saw the car park was a mud field! anyway, did some of my own drifting on the way out so it wasnt all bad! the envy car was pretty special, a nice piece of kit kevin....looked even better with the busty blonde that was bent over the bonnet
  15. dte went blank and it cost me £78 to fill!!!!! yes £78!!!!! it used to really bother me but now i just take the view that if i want a car i enjoy as much as this then its just something you have to put up with. if i let it bother me id be driving a diesel and everyone knows thats the fuel of satan!
  16. vinyl cost is hardly anything, prob £15 quid. he wrapped a whole van the other day and its looks like its been painted! only vinyl is cheaper and you can take it off when you want!
  17. i think this looks great on gunmetal! do it shire! if you want it doing cheap with the option of being able to remove it just have it wrapped in black vinyl. my mate whoe does this for a living tried doing mine the other week in this new carbon vinyl (which looked so real) but because it had a metallic backing it wouldn't bend well so we had to scrap it.
  18. yeah i know what you're saying guys...everytime i clean my car i think the bright wheels look brilliant on the black car. just sometimes i think id like to do something a bit different...may be not then. so dont worry chris, i think you'll be the only one!
  19. just noticed this car on ebay with the nismo's painted with black centres. cant decide if i like them or not, i was thinking of doing this to mine so id like to hear you opinions. my car is also black, lowered, nismo sides and veilside front lip (on their way from usa) just so you have an idea.
  20. its only my opinion and i appreciate everyone has different tastes. either way the nismo's look very i think the 18's do look really good if the car is scraping the floor!!!
  21. yeah buts its worth it, the 19's totally transform the look of the Zed. 18's still look good but if i was paying all the money i would definitely go up a size. I think the optional rays really suit the car.
  22. nah they are nismo's mate, its just cos they are in 18" they look very different from the normal 19" you see.
  23. try big phil at eastshore racing! www.eastshoreracing.com he'll sort you out
  24. i suppose you never know, until its too late and the bodyshop says no chance! i take your point about the fiberglass part. i have actually got a veilside v1 front lip in urethane but am concerned that it might sit abit lower than a nismo bumper which isnt actually as low as it looks.
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