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Everything posted by S1 HNK

  1. S1 HNK

    Polished Rays

    Beware of the upkeep with diamond cut wheels!
  2. Looks fantastic! Where did you get your front lip from?
  3. I'd be embarrassed to be seen in it, never mind driving it!
  4. Sold my 2003 s2000 last year and don't really miss it to be honest. Awesome drivers car and on a sunny day it was very special driving it flat out but every other single day I didn't enjoy it. If we got a proper summer then I'd have one again but now on my third Zed and its just feels right to me. Big lazy cruiser when you want it and still a fun sports car when you are in the mood. To use the vtec in anything above 3rd you were driving at scary speeds which in this day and age is a bit mad. As said, it's purely down to driver preference but I really don't think you'd be dissapointed in the 350z one bit.
  5. I think they look great. You just need to use a hell of a lot of tyre gel now!
  6. S1 HNK

    New ass!

    Looking good. Personally I think the dark lights are a step too close towards chavdom but each to their own and all that
  7. Mods can you lock this thread please. Wheels now gone. Cheers
  8. the wings look pretty good, surprised nobody has snapped them up yet!
  9. Looks much better with the black centre. Good work!
  10. There must be hundreds of posts on this.... Deep purple usually ends up being the popular choice
  11. S1 HNK


    now we are talking Makes that Lambo look even more hideous and over styled.
  12. Its a wild looking thing but hardly beautiful. Looks like its come out of the film Judge Dred.
  13. If the original owner did spank £3k on it, you'd bloody hope it sounds different
  14. They are lovely wheels. When I was researching them though the offsets seem to cause problems, the +22's I'm sure some people have problems clearing the brembos on the front and the +12's will no doubt require some arch work to fit.
  15. SOLD pending payment and collection on Wednesday. Sadly they aren't going to a forum member.
  16. Just a warning, mine started to look pretty shabby pretty quickly so a good tip is to laquer them when you get them.
  17. Looking smart Chris. How easy is the bumper to remove. Need to get my clear reflectors fitted.
  18. Part 2 is funnier when they talk to him!
  19. Don't focus too much on mileage. Just find one that's been well looked after, they are out there and you'll soon know when looking around.
  20. I actually like it and I normally hate this kind of stuff.
  21. Definitely look like 19's to me. One wheel certainly looks like it has flat spots on the rim too.
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