iPhone 5 is a great thing. I'm sure some of the others are better phones in terms of spec but for me it's the userability of the iPhone that will mean I'll never swap.
As if sticking that on your roof will make a noticeable difference!?
Not a fan myself, they dont look hideous but at the same dont do anything so ones of those mods I just wouldn't bother with and will always look like you've just robbed it off an FQ-400.
I think you've missed the point but great attitude there mate, you will go far on this forum.
I've been on the forum long enough. Just prefer to look at interesting threads on cars and was intrigued to see what you had bought as I'm looking for a track car myself.
If you'd owned both, the quality of the facelift interior is far superior, not quite sure what there is to prefer as it just feels cheaper in every regard.
Pretty sure the ones on eBay are just chrome 'look' paint and not polished metal.
They look great and will be no harder to look after than a normal wheel if they've been done right.
It is because every company is different. Some will increase your premium, some wont. Some will charge you admin, some wont. They will all charge you different amounts.
The only way to know is to call them and ask!!
S2000 has to be a great choice. With some choice mods and a strip out it will be awesome fun on the track.
£5k will get you a decent one and then a bit of change to spend on bits.
Be interested to see how this works.
Can quite figure out how it can peeled off really easily but yet be tough enough to with stand stone chips and general wear, especially on a set of wheels.
I think they'll look good but after a while you'll miss the way they looked in silver. It is amazing how much smaller they will look when you paint them darker.