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Everything posted by blacka01

  1. But how does the on-the-road price of a new ZED in Ireland compare to England Generally car prices in Ireland are UK price +30%, due to higher registration tax. As you can see road tax is also alot higher (based on engine size and anything over 3.2L is in the highest bracket). Insurance is also more expensive. All this explains why most people in Ireland drive around in 1.6L shopping cars!
  2. Yeah, that's what happens when you have the Green Party in government
  3. Oh I see now, it's busted - bad luck, hope it's a warranty job
  4. I like the Birdview (apart from no postcode search and no touch screen), also got a Snooper Sapphire for GPS speed camera duties
  5. blacka01


    I managed to get £260 from Direct line (06 GT), I am 35 though. Remember you won't get DL quotes from price comparison sites, got to go to the DL website
  6. Will do, there is also another Azure coupe in Cork city, don't think he's a member on here though
  7. Hi folks, Been lurking here for a while since I started thinking about buying a Z, great resource for buying tips. Anyway I picked up my new (to me) '06 Azure GT (10K miles, standard apart from factory sat nav) a couple of weeks ago and have been absolutely lovin' it since All that power came as a bit of a shock initially (previous car an Alfa 156 2L) but starting to get used to it now, though I haven't been brave enough to turn off the traction control yet! Might invest in some coaching from Ridedrive, Don Palmer or the like before I try that. Based in Canterbury, Kent at the mo, but relocating back home to Cork, Ireland early '09, where I will have €2000 a year road tax to moan about!
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