Hi there, been lurking around for the past couple of months deciding weather to purchase a 350z or not whilst gathering as much info as I can. Well, after saying goodbye to my trusty MX-5 (great, great car), Picked up my Silver 54 on Saturday. Has the Bose which is okay but will probably change the HU, have a PAC ROEM on the way from the states. Also has the Sat Nav which I'm not very keen on, I've always used Tom Toms and the Birdview isn't quite as intuitive (no touch screen!), not sure if I'm going to change this.
The car is fantastic, but so different to the MX-5. The MX-5 was nimble and chuckable, whereas the Z feels more composed and solid on the roads. Also for some reason it doesn't feel as fast as I was expecting, its quite deceptive, you don't feel as though your going fast but look down at the speedo and you notice your in dangerous teritory! All in all I'm really happy with it, I just think its going to take time getting used to it. Anyway, don't have any pics apart from this one with my old MX-5 from when I picked the Z up.
One big plus point is I don't have to put up with hair dresser comments anymore!
(not sure if the image is showing)