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Everything posted by ZMANALEX

  1. Martin, your plumbing set up will depend who did your tt conversion. If you are running big power then you are best with a pressurized header, non presurized expansion/return bottle and a non pressurized cap on the radiator. With the above set up you would top up the coolant from the header. Some more pictures should identify what set up you have and where to top it up. I check my oil and coolant every day mate. Both checks must be carried out from cold.
  2. Best to give me a shout on Friday to make sure all is okay.
  3. I am sure that you are very good at something
  4. FINAL UPDATE UNTIL TRACK DAY SATURDAY Happy days 40 mile road test and all is sooooooooooooo good. Back on full power and getting all the right numbers Saturday will tell, so everything crossed. Might get 1 lap, might get 101. Oh! the joys of tinkering
  5. UPDATE Reassembled this morning, started up and all appears to be well. Now, off with the track tyres and on with the wets for a wee test Fingers crossed. Cheers, Alex.
  6. REPLY FROM KINETIX We can help you with this no problem. How old is the SSV? (we changed the welding process) Are you the original owner? You will need to ship it back to us, we will weld with the new stronger process and repolish. Also we will most likely reweld the top seam to make stronger as well. Kinetix Racing 1026 fuller st. santa ana, CA 92701 please include return shippign address in the box
  7. And I was about to buy one of these too.
  8. The more the better Stew, Jayne will have the mmmmm, ahhhhh! thrill of her life, (had to chose that word really carefully) Let me confirm tomoz that the car is good. Cheers, Alex.
  9. Needs must Phil. Spent all my money on gauges Have you got a pair of c f bonnet stays in stock mate ? Cheers, Alex. You really need to stop copying my mods Alex Trying not to mate, but I am getting soooooooo much ribbing on this one
  10. Hi Adam, Was planning this weekend but I think that I will now have a play at Knockhill on Saturday instead Thare are two track sessions on....GMSC are running an open pit lane from 11am untill 1pm and then Hot Marques are also running open pit lane from 2pm untill 5pm. If the car lasts the 5 hours then maybe the ring the following week. If you fancy riding shotgun on Sat then let me know, you are most welcome. I will be able to confirm tomoz if all is well with the Zed. Cheers, Alex.
  11. Needs must Phil. Spent all my money on gauges Have you got a pair of c f bonnet stays in stock mate ? Cheers, Alex. Which hammer will use to fit 'em - just been admiring your tool kit The biggest one of course Had to dive to the bottom of the box to get all the intricate tools out and stupidly left the heavy stuff lying around on the ground as I took the photos. There is always one
  12. Should be okay mate as I pulled into the pits at the first sign of leaning out so there would have been the minimum of det. I don't run with a MAF.............. God Bless my gauges God Bless forged internals. Cheers, Alex.
  13. Not a big job Stew, 15 mins to get the Plenum off. Yeah, I think a set of lifters would be cool as not good for the street cred running about with the roof down and a plank of wood hanging out the back. Cheers, Alex.
  14. Needs must Phil. Spent all my money on gauges Have you got a pair of c f bonnet stays in stock mate ? Cheers, Alex.
  15. Okay as the title suggests all is not well. Got the tools out and the bonnet up yet again. This was a difficult one as no fault codes were coming up but the air / fuel ratio was all over the place. After a little while I decided that the plenum gasket was leaking so proceeded to remove plenum. Found gasket to be sound and all vacuum pipes and connections likewise. Convinced I was on the right track I doubled checked everything but all was good. Still convinced that it was a plenum issue I turned my attention to the Kinetix Stainless Steel plenum and hey presto there it was. The following pictures tell the story but after having a good look at the plenum I noticed that all the seams were only fused and not welded, rather sad for an expensive piece of kit from Kinetix. So anybody considering the SSV Plenum from Kinetix forget it as you will only be wasting your hard earned. I will reassemble tomoz and hopefully all will be good. BONNET UP AGAIN WHERE IS MY PLENUM? AGH! THE DEMON PLENUM...WOW LOOK AT THAT GAP. GAP CLOSED UP AND WELDED.
  16. Stan, there a couple up here close to me that I constantly see on the A9. Like you say, big car..... What road presence huh!
  17. Stan, there a couple up here close to me that I constantly see on the A9. Like you say, big car..... What road presence huh!
  18. Stew, I have tried these guys a few times and found them a total waste of time. Don't waste your hard earned or time on them and just stay well clear. Phil sums them up well.
  19. Very functional Stew, now running 5 degree C cooler. Yip, cumon ye reds
  20. A very interesting article on Pistonheads. Maybe something for the future!!!!! http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=18638
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