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Everything posted by ZMANALEX

  1. Depends what codes got thrown up but sounds like they are on the right track. Immobiliser malfunction could very possibly result in no spark at all 6 coil packs. Alex.
  2. Sounds like that you have a big problem then
  3. Hi and Stick to the Toyos I assume that they are T1R's
  4. Stew's offer is to complicated. I don't do trade ins so just buy one from me
  5. Glad it started but unfortunately intermittent faults are always the worst. Hope they find something but I doubt it unless there is a fault code stored.
  6. Very interested Alex how much for the red delivered, and are they new? Cheers Steve Brand spanking new mate and still boxed. 16 lugs + 4 lockers + socket Price on box £108.50 Yours for £80.00 shipped Alex,
  7. I have a few spare sets of 5Zigen pro racer lug nuts in red and pos. blue. Let me know if of interest. Alex.
  8. I can help you with this bit mate.
  9. I have what ever you need mate. Have a look at the engine cover and check what you actually require as the rubber grommets and metal collers usually stay stuck in the cover. Pm me over your address and I will get these off to you as soon as you confirm what you need. Alex.
  10. Got loadsa these Andy. Do you require the rubbers, collers and washers as well? Alex.
  11. They are unfortunately not universal I am not a trader but I have a selection if New OEM exhaust gaskets so let me know what you require and be prepared as they are not cheap. Alex.
  12. A shocking paint finish. Prepare and repaint is really the only solution.
  13. Sorry for the delay in posting up my response to the OP comments. I have confirmed previously in numerous pm messages to Gorgios that the agreed £80.00 had not been received by my bank . I also told him that I would not be corresponding with him further due to the amount of messages that he was sending me and that I now considered the matter closed. He did not appear to grasp that it can take up to 5 days for funds to be transferred from bank to bank and quite frankly I was finding the barrage of messages quite tedious. I have double checked with my bank by telephone today before close of business and they confirm that no payment of £80.00 has been received from Gergios. Needless to say if the funds eventually do hit my account then they will obviously be returned in due course. As you will note from the copy pm (below) from Gergios he has confirmed to me that he is 99.9% sure that the transaction will not happen. I rest my case. Alex. From: fatalus To: ZMANALEX Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:53 pm Subject: Re: About HEL brake lines I asked my bank about it considering that the SWIFT/BIC code was not the appropriate, though it belonged to your bank and the system let my transaction happen. So the transaction is pending right now, and 99.9% it will not happen but my bank can not answer that for sure. You can proceed and sell the lines to someone else if you want . In the not so probable case the money finally ends to your account, i would like them sent back of course. Georgios
  14. Like you say Martin a great piece of kit and great value. Direct replacement for stock and ideal for someone who does not want to spend a fortune on an expensive upgrade. My clutch kit for the Roadster cost over £1500.00
  15. New Boxed Exedy clutch kit comprising of Cover, Plate and Bearing. Surplus to requirements. Bargain......... First £250.00 + £12.00 shipping.......... Any questions then please just ask.
  16. More than likely the fluid leak will be from the clutch slave cyl. which is fixed to the side of the gearbox. Usually there are no external visable signs of fluid loss as the fluid gathers inside the slave cyl. rubber boot. To establish if this is the case then just gently pull the boot to one side and the fluid will run out. Make sure that you are not directly below the slave when you do this. It has been known for the clutch master to eventually empty of fluid resulting in loss of clutch hydraulics. Cheers, Alex.
  17. Got track events booked for 7/8 + 14/15 + 28/29 Should be free 21/22

    Glenshee today

    Looks great mate, we were planning to go to the footy today but the game was called off due to the road conditions around Todders so we headed back to mine and got the gear loaded up and headed off to Glenshee, only to get to Blairgowrie and the boys in blue were not letting any one through. The road in from the top always appears to more accessible than from the bottom. Looks very quiet.
  19. These are always being asked for. Another Sticky perhaps !!!!! Cheers, Alex.
  20. Check out here. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19501 Cheers, Alex.
  21. There are many recommended brake bed in procedures depending on the manufacturer. I have tried various recommened procedures and tried variations drawn on my own experiences. Below, in my opinion is one of the very best. Follow this and you wont go far wrong. Perhaps this could be a sticky............ Cheers, Alex.
  22. Good luck with the sale mate. Remember >2006 LEDs available here. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight= http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... highlight=
  23. Unfortunately they do not. Pirtek will manufacture pressure hoses for you if required. No it just seems a shame to have mechanics working on my car and not modding it at the same time. Cheers again Alex Ah! I get your drift now. Okay............. Pirtek will manufacture colour coded pressure hoses for you if required. But remember nobody will know that they are there, except you
  24. Unfortunately they do not. Pirtek will manufacture pressure hoses for you if required.
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