How old is your 8000 mile car ?
U.K. or JDM ?
Gearboxes are known to be rather noisy, as is the clutch bearing and the idler gear.
Drive shafts will not give off the symptoms that you have described.
I have run with several types of exhaust and the RSR that I have just removed is up there with the very best with a wonderful deep sound.
The sound will also depend on what headers, cats / test pipes and Y section you are running.
I only removed this after less than 2000 miles because I required a true dual.
I have this available for sale @ £550.00 and will be listing it in the for sale section shortly.
Not really Kev, I just have loadsa stuff available for forum members.
Check out the link below re. DS 2500's ... pads.mhtml
Best to replace them now as the inside rears have a habit of knackering your discs.
Ferodo 2500's in stock at only £180.00 for front and rear sets or £140.00 for Brembo.
Wish I lived near Alex
Okay, scrap that. I wish Alex lived near me
Haggis, neeps and tatties, kilts, ceilidhs and scotch whisky, awa ya go min
Kev from a fellow Scot. I am only up the road from you in Perth and can be found most days at Knockhill Racing Circuit along with other forum members, so if you fancy a few pax laps then just give me a shout.