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Everything posted by ZMANALEX

  1. Push the boat out and go for a 718 Cayman GT4, you won't regret it I promise you.
  2. Only single wheels/tyres are now left in stock. All sets of 4 are now sold
  3. Sold items list updated see page 1 Plenty parts are still available.
  4. This one is actually sold, however, I do have another identical brand new kit in stock which I have not advertised as yet. Let me know if you want it. PM on its way.
  5. Due to the design of the saddle fuel tank if you had the N/S/R lift pump running all the time it would soon burn out once the fuel had been transferred to the other side of the tank. A pump running with no fluid to transfer is not a good plan. There are 2 ways to control the lift pump, one is by fitting an on/off switch and the other is to hook it up to your aftermarket ECU.
  6. Good shout Colin: A secondary lift pump on the L/H side of the tank is a must as fuel starvation will always occur on hard right handers as the fuel will surge away from the OEM fuel basket. I require this set up for 350Z circuit use. A very common issue. More here: https://www.z1motorsports.com/z1-products/z1-motorsports/z1-motorsports-fuel-anti-starvation-kit-p-9558.html
  7. A good wash and polish and you will be sorted. if you require any preowned parts, then just give me a shout as plenty parts are in stock.
  8. Absolutely stunning. Living the dream.
  9. I should have some preowned in stock.
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