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Everything posted by ZMANALEX

  1. Replacing the rear quarter panels on the 350 is a huge, and costly job whether metal, carbon or plastic. The only time that you ever replace a rear quarter is if it is damaged beyond of repair. Either use a repair section or cut out the corroded area and weld up as required.
  2. The Whiteline will be fine for spirited road use but not the best for track. Easy to fit except for the removal of the OEM subframe bushing which requires a little work.
  3. Yeah, I get that. I was trying to establish if you were dealing with windscreen specialists or Nissan directly. I am assuming that it is a front screen that you require? As Andy has stated the front screens are the same for the Fairlady and 350Z. Make sure that the windscreen specialist replaces the seals and mouldings as well.
  4. These tapered threaded components should not be forced, especially when you are screwing the adaptor into the aluminium engine sump because if you do then the sump will definitely crack. The switch should not be forced when fitting to the adaptor so you have an issue there.
  5. Best plan is to get the proper overlays.


    This should work: https://my350z.com/forum/brakes-and-suspension/609906-z1-adjustable-front-upper-control-arms-o-adjusting-caster.html


    To save me from blabbing on about my own personal experiences of Caster/Camber tolerances please have a look at the link below which should answer your questions: The links are not working leave it with me for a few minutes.


    Are these what you are planning on fitting to the front?


    Do you really mean Caster or did you mean Camber?
  10. Could be one of numerous things. As a process of elimination, try disconnecting both rear drop links and take it for a short road test.
  11. That question would be best answered by your multi car insurer of choice. Best to give them a phone for a chat.
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