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Everything posted by ZMANALEX

  1. PM is on its way Gavin.
  2. To save all the ball ache it might be a plan to take the car to a 350Z specialist to get it recommissioned. Where are you based?
  3. Delighted to hear that you have got it sorted Paul.
  4. If you prefer to replace parts as a process of elimination instead of performing proper diagnoses then the air con module would be a good place to start, followed perhaps by the IPDM and the BCM both these parts control the issues that you are having. I should have all these parts in stock. What year and model is your 350?
  5. Yes, the aircon module or the ribbon have been known to be problematic and should be also checked out.
  6. The IPDM is behind the battery.
  7. Don't forget about the fuse box and relays within the IPDM.
  8. Try checking the other fuses and relays in the other fuse boxes.
  9. You have nothing to lose Paul, that is what I would try first.
  10. Paul, Perhaps water ingress to the ecu or perhaps the bcm is acting up?
  11. I would be looking at the tyre set up. Try swooping them around and see if the fault follows
  12. Just back off the throttle a bit as you are unsettling the car. You can still carry good speed in and out of the corners when driven aggressively but sensibly and smoothly. Or if you want to get techy just turn the stuff off that affects this. Switching off the EPS is not the answer as it does not completely switch off 100%, but is usually enough for most people.
  13. 1 x pair 350Z OEM cats are in stock at the minute off a 39,000 mile HR. £850.00 shipped to your door (UK Mainland only) Drop me a PM if you want them.
  14. OEM or aftermarket sport cats? New or preowned?
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