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Everything posted by ZMANALEX

  1. I will have all the hardware in stock. Just let me know exactly what you require. Where in Scotland are you? I am in the Perth area.
  2. I will send you a pm shortly with prices, however, please note that you can just replace the ball joint however it has got to be compatible with the seating cone and the arm and that is where the issues arise.
  3. This is a common issue and you also have to make sure that you fit the correct size of seating cone as well. This is what you require, plenty in stock either as singles or as a pair. Just drop me a pm if I can help further.
  4. There are various 350Z models and the air con module is model specific. I should have fully working modules in stock so if you can PM me over the part # that you require I will check for you.
  5. Plug and play, no coding required.
  6. If Ullapool is the furthest North that you are going then you will have no issues with fuel supplies.
  7. Brembo calipers are in stock. Caliper bolts are also in stock. Just drop me a PM.
  8. In stock and good to go same/next day. Just drop me a PM if I can help further.
  9. In stock and Free to good home, however you would have to remove your self. No Rust Click on image below to open.
  10. Plenty of cranks and rods in stock if required + every other engine part imaginable. https://www.350z-uk.com/topic/125665-loadsa-parts-for-sale-picture-heavy-now-with-prices-and-detail/
  11. The intake will not provide any gains over stock. The correct spacer may provide a slight increase in bhp and torque but only after an Uprev Tune.
  12. Can't comment too much without more info or pictures, however, it sounds like your rear toe or rear camber is well out.
  13. I have these in stock mate and good to go same/next day. Let me know if I can help you further. Just click on the link below:
  14. A quick DIY is to remove the small front main timing chain inspection plate. The part of the tensioner that comes in contact with the chain slipper should protrude no more than 12 mm. It is controlled via oil pressure. Another common issue is the main timing chain slipper can fail. There are 3 chains in all.
  15. A set of new front and rear Brembo style discs and pads would be £480.00 A rust-free preowned front bracing would be £50.00 and a rust-free preowned rear "W" bracing would be £100.00 Courier shipping would be at cost. All the above are in stock and good to go same/next day. I do not stock exhaust systems. Alex.
  16. I had around 10 of these available 8 months ago, but would have to check if I have any left. These are refurbished preowned OEM.
  17. The wiper arms are on a fine spline and can be adjusted. However, what you gain on one side you will lose on the other.
  18. As above, you won't go wrong with Motul 8100 5W30 Eco Nergy FS.
  19. New covers are in stock and good to go same/next day: Just drop me a PM if I can help further.
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