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Everything posted by dcash5

  1. Yes, i took someones advice, could have been yours infact. Yes that grill is looking a bit toothy
  2. Why not do them yourself as then you will know everything is tight and a real sense of achievement, not some quikfit spanner monkey that is more bothered about making sure his arrangements for saturday night are in place rather than your brake pads which he fits about 20 sets a day Really not a difficult job loads of good guides knocking about aswell http://www.my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58195 for eg
  3. I think this has raised some interested issues and from where I stand the issue is closed. Cheers for the input
  4. I am certainly not replying to this topic to upset people as I'm still a Newbie and the little experience of the members advice on here have been nothing short of brilliant. All those instances, the ebay one or the previous sale of your old car i believe are in a similar league, Im not trying to create a totalitisic approach to this forum nor do I want to say no to free speach and all that jazz, but just remember how upset you are getting when you saw your pictures being used in manor in which you did not approve of. The guy selling on ebay is trying to sell an item, if you dont want it dont buy it, or if you have a criticism of the decription take it offline with the seller not a public forum. Eg: I will put my car up (ironing board and all) to gain your opinions and critiscisms as i value these. Other owners/sellers people may not. I would not put my mates up and say look at this Sh!tter as its not fair on them. This rant maybe because I have had a bad day at work but i couldnt believe it when i read the thread
  5. I’m not out to 'stone' anyone and I agree that you should not use your pictures as it would not be a true representation of as the car now stands, thing I had an issues was that you were using the media of the forum to ridicule someone. I know on other owner club forums it is strictly forbidden to post up other peoples car strictly to bad mouth, which I personally believe is a damn good rule. My post was more a plea to the moderators
  6. For fear of being ostrisized i personally think you are being very unfair, at the end of the day its a guy selling a car. Yes agree he should not generalise and judge someones knowledge on there sex, but why email him trying to get a reaction, would it not be better to email the seller explaining you are the previous owner and that he may have some of his facts are wrong which may cause him greif during the sale. I know if i got a email like that when trying to sell a car i would be pretty pi$$ed but you cant judge him on his price. The value of an object is how much someone is prepared to pay for it, if someone pays 30k for it, they obviously believe its worth that. Sorry to cause any hassle, just thought we needed a bit of common sense on this forum.
  7. Yup it was that plate i think certainly had very similar spacing, my eyes are getting poor in my old ages!, sounded beautiful being driven like a lambo should.
  8. Think it was you in an orange Lambo G. Not many knocking about anyway but andy seems to have think you sold it?
  9. Yeh dont get me started, did you know it passed a MOT like that aswell!!!! Spoke with VOSA to comment on my discovery as you can imagine i was not a happy bunny, apperently if the car stops satisfactorly on a rolling road and when they look through the wheel they see meat on the outside pad, its a pass!!! :scare: I would of thought its worse having one good pad and one bald pad as its not braking evenly!! Anyway got a nice set of DBA rotors and Endless Pads courtesy of Phil. Much appreciated!! - Ah the bedding in process begins - but on a positive what a nice car the zed is to work on, nice amount of access and im now the master of changing pads on a 350z .
  10. No its the original Nissan Pad on the inside and a brand new redstuff on outer!!!! only had replaced the outer pads!!!
  11. Discovering a shocking discovery, Heard a metal on metal noise when braking which sounded like very worn pads, but dismissed this as the old owner had put new ebc red stuff pads and had checked, anyway i wasnt happy so whipped the wheel off to find not a pleasent sight, yes he had changed pads to red stuff, but only the outer ones View Exhibit A So i treated myself to Exhibit B
  12. But mine has gone one better and appears to be picking up digital radio!!!!! i was listening to 1 extra the other day purely by accident completely baffled me as i thought it was a completely different type of signal!!!
  13. dcash5

    My new Zed

    I think its more i have the option of a mobile ironing board should i get some creases in my clothes - that sold it to me!
  14. dcash5

    My new Zed

    Andy has got his eye on it as its the carbon bladed one!
  15. How do/ where do i get at the fuel sender unit. Understand there are two, think i just need access to the main electronic one. Thanks
  16. dcash5

    My new Zed

    Cosmetically outside the pug only had the wheels, its was the 160bhp engine that was the real fun part, enjoyed building that car and learnt alot from it. Had a few unfortunate issues with it, dropped a valve spring! Enjoyed taking apart the head and rebuilding. Armed with a set of spanners and a haynes manual i stripped the top end! - Damn good fun, nice engine to work on.
  17. dcash5

    My new Zed

    Yeah Veilside v3, found out the wheels are AVS advan Model t7, told they are reasonably decent
  18. Right ok, can some explain something to me please .... ok the governments aim is to clean up the country in terms of emissions. - which is fair enough, if u want to have a big engined car, that produces many emissions you have to pay for it. - Thats my reasoning, which i can stand buy. Quote on tax in 2010: Peugeot 106 1.6 - £310 Seat 1.6 Sport - £270 Ferrari F40 - £200 1998 4.2 Audi S8 40v - £200 2000 4.6 Range Rover V8 - £200 If someone can justify this, i mean surely a new car has better technology including Cats, ecu's Lambda sensors, EGR valves .... Am i the only one that is confused. Are we going to see an influx of old cars that are probably running badly, burning oil.
  19. dcash5

    My new Zed

    Yeah im still not 100% on the spoiler, was bought like that. YEs i have full respect for the nissan.
  20. I cant unfortunately as i am working on the london marathon!
  21. I have edited the title so people who are searching this can find it easier
  22. Is it safe just to open the key to replace the battery or is it like the audi's and have to be done by dealers?
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