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Everything posted by dcash5

  1. dcash5


    I think there is a trader on here that sells the meisters. Not sure of anyone who uses them tbh. I can vouch for the bilsteins though - Probably not a track focused as the KW but I think they benefit from a bit more road comfort.
  2. dcash5


    As yourself what do you want to do with the car and whats your budget? This will answer the majority of your questions. If you're not going to track it do you need the full adjustability of KW V3 or Bilstein PSS10 etc? If not a Tein basic or KW v1/2 would be good. The benefit of coilovers is that you can chose your ride height to meet your requirements, depending on road conditions and wheels. Obviously some coilovers go lower than others. There is loads of info about so hit that search button, will keep you entertained for days.
  3. Sorry to hear that mate, a decent valeter may be able to help. Try Envyvaletting on there (sorry forgot their user name) As for flex in the rear bumper where abouts is it flexing?
  4. I might start selling Bonnets at 315 so I can be in the viciously competitive trader crew
  5. /\ that link is basically pornography!
  6. FTW! This is what you need to aspire to ...
  7. Lol thats the bit that hasn't change ha ha ha! Oh well!
  8. Cheers Mikey - one day it might be half as clean as yours!
  9. Ive thought about the 06 bonnet but Im still not convinced about it. I think i might do something a bit custom with my OEM 03 original bonnet to be a bit unique. Hmm its all money though
  10. How big is that house!
  11. Back hasnt changed since last year ..my car is built on subtle changes only Probably 50% of people with an untrained eye wouldnt notice most of them. Always had a thing to keep the car looking like it could have come out the factory like it.
  12. You have it the wrong way round, the front looks spot on just bring the rear down lower
  13. Yes it would a large problem, thats why not many people cover the center of the steering wheel when doing retrims, if you're going to cover it make sure your deactivate the curtain airbags, this might throw an airbag fault though.
  14. This is something I am defo looking to get into. Trying to learn Sony Vegas though ... my god that programme is like a blackhole of what you can do!
  15. Those figures look low to me? Stock Cars are usually around the 275bhp ATF and 230 ATW? Yours appears to be running down on power on the original runs.
  16. No probs, your'll be mightly impressed! Just make sure you get it aligned asap as your toe/camber will be out regardless of how good you have done it by eye.
  17. Sorry I have been 'off' for a week! Yep thats correct. You might need to cut the rubber spacer/washer on the holes on the UK cars as it has alignment pins. JDMs (well mine, didn't).
  18. Box looks awesome mate, not sure on the roof though, I think i prefere the stealth look!
  19. Good pictures but that zed is crying out to be lowered!
  20. Ok I'll give you that hamilton's start was awesome! And Alonso buggering his engine on the last lap was the highlights the other 55 laps were ....
  21. Nah If I like something I'll say it. I Don't just say stuff for the sake of it. I hope if I make a monumental error that looks sh**e someone would call me on it. I prefere just an honest critic - their opinion is much more valuable than the +1 or or Just make sure you get the underside of your bonnet painted the same quality as the external paint, makes a huge difference at the shows
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