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Everything posted by dcash5

  1. I got a 2009 Merc CLK200 drop top when someone pinged the rear bumper They threated a 1.8ltr focus Dan
  2. Ah ok, must be quite an overhead, why not remove it whilst the glitche is being address and just inforce stricter mods?
  3. Whilst I agree about most of the for sale rules (although I think some are a little strict) on the initial post ....Why do replies have to be monitored and approved?
  4. dcash5

    Plenums Bits

    For some reason the intake pipe looks dirty, not sure why - its not in person. Forgot to also mention the part is currently sat with R35LEE so nodoubt he can field questions aswell
  5. dcash5

    Plenums Bits

    Polished upper plenum - DIY polish. Picture shows a few bits of polishing compound on the metal but these have been washed off. Also this hasn't been treated to any metal polish like autosol/ megs etc so should come up even better. Looking to swap for an OEM unit (must be in decent condition) - £70 Lower plenum with modified front runners. - Perfect upgrade for the 296bhp (rev up car), would love someone to do a before and after dyno with this. Not really sure what this is worth so lets say £70 aswell.
  6. Be careful as some members might take us serious.
  7. SH!T have I quoted fast and the dubious by mistake!?
  8. Ian, Im not sure on the gTD, have you made sure you're covered with the banjo axel and sufficently greased the spoon flange? I'd also be wary of running the 40 weight elastic fluid and its compatability with the flag pins. If you say stuff with enough conviction, anyone can sound like they know what they're talking about!
  9. Coilovers required now as you seem to have damn good taste in your zed styling!
  10. Like the interior on that zed husky!
  11. Means a component of your satnav system is disconnected or you are due a service and its displayed what service you need on your nav screen
  12. Aren't Kudos' prices cheaper than this?
  13. This is what you need tarmac - nice electronic dump valve - who needs Forced induction to be a BALLER!
  14. I know andy has a set of 20mm available
  15. probs just had the bonnets swapped over lol
  16. Hope it doesn't rain as you might get a primer coloured bumper with a paint trail behind you!
  17. Stew - I dont think you can exactly talk about legal plates... have you seen your front one?
  18. I ordered one a while back when it was on **REMOVED**. I think its one of those things that is a good compliment to a proper vid camera. Could get some quite trick footage out of it
  19. JDM are 13x 6 bumper takes a 14 x 7 though for a better fit
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