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Everything posted by kennyg
Of course, yeah my 60K 350Z has just come back from a service and it is completly nailed ... runs like a dog and is a total wreck No, it is fine strangely enough and still going as good as ever. Thanks for the lovely little insult calling me car a dud too! Nice To be blunt I would be more worried about a car that had been thrashed and pushed real hard than as to where your using a high vs low octane fuel. There are numerous discussions around the topic and yes using a high octane gives better performance, and is better for the engine .. definately agree no argument from me there. But the point I am making is that unless you are really pushing it then the only really consequence may be that certain engine components wear out quicker, but I've not seen any conclusive proof of that. Even if this is happening still need to offset the extra price you pay for the premium petrol and see how much extra that adds to your bills and if it justifies the price. The engine mangement itself will do a certain amount of adjustment to compensate for the petrol, and as say since i don't push the 350Z I ain't worried .. if I were to take it on a track day (again) then I have and would put the top grade fuel in.
Unfortunately lost the standard boot mat a long time ago .. and don't want to cough up the ridiculous prices that they seem to be going for Just liked the idea of having a more solid floor that wasn't as stable as jelly when you put a bit of weight in the boot! The soundproofing was a thought, but if as you say it's not gonna add that much then will steer clear of the extra effort and cost that will involve.
Dunno what the panic is to be blunt .. my 350Z was bought from new and is now upto the low 60k and have only ever put standard petrol in. Been serviced at regular intervals and no problems what-so-ever. To be blunt the only difference is that it will give you a better performance hit, but as others have said unless your really in need of the extra couple of BHP then not worth the bother for the cost. Your not gonna damage your engine or wear out your internal components any faster.... Got a big lump of a BMW R1200RT bike and the manual also swears blind that must use the top grade fuel as is a boxter engine that apparently needs the better grade fuel. Never bothered and that merry beast is now over 50k again with regular services and never missed a beat.
Hello one and all Basically I ditched my standard 350Z boot mat cause it was flimsy and basically useless ... I was wondering if anybody else has experience of making or buying a custom made job? I get a lot of noise from the boot area so wanted to have a rigid boot mat that had some proper sound proofing. Everywhere I have looked all they offer is variants on the standard carpet construction which doesn't offer what I want .. which is a rigid construction that offers some level of sound proofing and has a certain amount of rigidity to compensate for the fact I have no spare. Toying with the idea of creating a plywood type construction and then attaching on some sound proofing material .. but wanted to get some thoughts/ideas as hoping not the only one to consider such an idea!!
Interested if still available Assuming that this would fit a 2004 350Z? Would offer £300 ... based in Norwich so a bit of a trek up to collect Let me know
Excellent, thanks for that! Will have a look now
Morning all, a bit of a weird problem here ... any help/ advise gratefully recieved My keyfob stopped working, thought easy enough problem to fix. Replaced batteries and still doesn't work so now very confused. Doesn't matter if press lock or unlock button, no response from 350z. I have to manually unlock with the key, then put the key in the ignition whilst covering my ears from the alarm. Looked in the manual and no real help. Not sure if maybe some kind of reset needs to be done on the alarm? Can take it back to Nissan but would prefer to fix myself if possible.
Not too surprised, seems pretty normal to me .. exhausts never seem to last long on cars. Anyhow rather get something a bit louder, been thinking about it for a while and now I've got a perfect excuse Thanks for the help, looking at the Envy Performance website now and the 5ZIGEN does look nice .. just gonna find some sound clips!
Took the 350z for it's MOT and it passed .. just But the discs and stock exhaust need to be replaced .Shouldn't complain since I've had the car new since 2004 and this is the first time had to replace anything! On the positive side a damn fine excuse to get myself a nice loud exhaust Been looking through the forums and can't find anything about exhausts, even the modification exhaust section seems to have some broken links to reviews and not much else. Does anybody know of a "good" UK supplier? May be opening a can of worms but just want something that is loud .. but legal .. and with an upper price limit of £1000. Ta!
Right finally got some quotes for the repair work! My offical Nissan centre is asking £1200, a local repair specialist £650(?!) Ouch big difference I "think" the discrepancy comes down to the fact that Nissan want to strip the near side door panel and respray, the local specialist will do a blend. As part of the quote both would strip and respray the front bumper, am guessing this is a relatively easy job hence as only attached by a few screws. Has anybody else had experience of this type of process? I assume that when you blend will never get an exact match .. but would this be noticable? I would guess that in the short-term everything would be great, but overtime does the efects of the sun, etc, mean that the subtle colour differences become more pronounced? Or am I being a tad on the paranoid side. Well if anybody has had experience of this type of thing any advise would be much appreciated I need to get it done and can't really justify paying double and the local specialist is an approved insurance repairer with all of the credentials, anyhow would assume that a guarantee would protect me from problems ... or maybe not
Been the proud and happy owner of a 350z since buying it new in 2004. What a car Unfortunately now has come the time for me to sell up, not because I don't love the old beast or even because of the fuel bills ... the simple truth is I need a car with more space! Anyways only dilemma is how much to sell for. On Parkers it lists the going rate for a private sale as about £14,500 which seems a bit low. I did get offerered a part-ex deal on an A8 for £13,500 ... gave it a long think but couldn't justify the hit I was taking on the 350z. The 350z is a UK spec 2004 GT model with a Nissan rear spoiler and Stillen aero skirts plus 19" Nismo LMGT4s. Happy to go the private sale route, but the only problem for me is that the 350z has some cosmetic damage, nothing serious just some minor scuffs down the driver side bottom sill, a long key scratch down the rear arch (a fliipin' jealous t@at did that at some point with a key) and some scratches on the front lip. This is going to hurt the price, but not sure if I should get the repair done myself or to just let it reflect in the price. Balked when a recent quote at an "approved" Nissan bodyshop put the repair at over £2000 Thats' for a repray mind on a few panels, no repairs are required. Might try a few more quotes at non-approved bodyshops to see if the price can get a bit more honest. Don't suppose anybody can recommend somewhere either in the Southport or Norwich area?! To be blunt half tempted to garage the 350z and just use it as a summer car and trackday tool Getting a second car seems a bit harsh, but don't want to give it away. And what can you get for about £15,000 now-a-days anway's which is the most I can expect for the 350z? Nothing that compares in my book! Decisions, Decisions
Yep the wheels are still for sale, although on closer inspection the tyres have had it. I am based in Southport so they would have to be collected, only have the trusty z which makes transportation a bit on the difficult side(!). They are absolutely immaculate with no scuffs. As for the Nismo's Pimm, mine are fitted to a bluz azure z so can get you some pics if want to see? All I can say is the z looks mighty fine
Yeah, know what you mean ... might just wait a bit longer myself When paying that kind of money need a bit of confidence that Nissan will deliver and don't get that impression at the moment. Think Nissan have to realise that when the car is in the 50k bracket your playing hard-ball with the big boys like Porsche, Audi, etc and the levels of customer service need to be on a different level. From my experience with the 350z I don't have that confidence ...
Well I have tried to contact Andy at Middlehurst to put a deposit down on the GTR and to get more information on a part ex deal for my 350z but nothing. Obviously they're either busy, the order book is full, or don't need my custom Annoying especially since Middlehurst did a lot of work in fitting the bodykit to my 350z so they would know I was not a timewaster ... which I suspect they must get a lot of. GGrrrrr, maybe need to look at alternatives like the GT3 or AMG ...
Thanks for that Digsy Hope you've managed to sell your set OK.
Now that finally got round to fitting some bad-boy Nismo 19's have the standard set from my 350z for sale. From a 2004 model, absolutely immaculate ... no scuffs, no scratches. Basically are the 18-inch touring wheels (think known as the V1). Based in the Southport area so would have to be collected. The tyre themselves are right on the legal limit .. so Ok'ish but not for any big mileage. Willing to listen to an "sensible" offers
Hello All, complete newbie to the forum so a quick Hi Thought would get in early and submit my 1st post!! My 3 year old 350z has managed to acquire quite a few noticable marks and scratches and trying to see if anybody can recommend a good bodyshop in the Norwich area that could get it sorted?? Any advise most welcome