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Everything posted by markie

  1. Welcome to the forum and yes I too think it will be a long week for you. Will be worth the wait though!!
  2. Markie i have told you before, you cant just invite yourself to my house This is true but then you did beg me to stay!!
  3. Good work Bex! When are you guys heading up? Nic and I have the option of staying at my friends in Glasgow for an overnight journey break. Would be interested in this though depending on when you are going up!
  4. Oiy markie, nix promised me that you and her would look after me lol as i will prob be the youngest zedder there Don't you worry Jay.... I will look after you
  5. Nic have you booked this yet??? As I am driving, you can take care of the booking bit!! Oh and Cara... you are coming!! Nixy and I will look after you!!
  6. About 20 mins from me so will be up for this.... Will have to try and convince Nixy into staying in a tent
  7. Cheers Jay. After 7 days with the commode brigade i was ready to break out!!
  8. Good afternoon all... after seven days the docs have finally let me out and I am now on the way to recovery. The first thing i did when got home was start the car as I have missed it so Thank you for all the kind wishes!! And yes it is all Nic's fault... i blame her cooking and her driving!!!
  9. markie

    New mod

    Looking good! Simple but effective
  10. +1 - I have friends and family out there too. Sorry to hear this. +2 Sorry to hear this +3. Really sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with his friends and family.
  11. Welcome to the forum and happy hunting. I must say I do really like the GT4 wheels but more than happy with the rays on my GT!
  12. Yeh how did I miss this, Welcome Markie, heard tons about ya, have to get you and Nixy down to London go out with Louis LVTW and me Likewise and look forward to it!!
  13. Hello and Welcome! Not long to go now until you get your new car!!
  14. I will be very interested to see this at Wales!!
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