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Everything posted by markie

  1. I much prefer to play my mix tape in the cassette player
  2. Oi Nic!!! It was I that spotted the Zed first lol!!!!
  3. Don't worry Stew there shall be a demo at the hoon Lol! Oh and I told Nic that me not liking girls was all just a cunning plan to get her on the floor
  4. Nah it must have been me in the passenger seat that scared them Maybe it was my "dancing"
  5. So one question comes to mind Markie, where have you learned to do waxing? Beauty School of course!!
  6. So the morning after the night before and what can I say... I had Nixy on the living room floor in her undies!! Shame it was such a waste on me lol
  7. Same goes for you too Jay!!
  8. Aye that was us - I'd called her B&B today and she didn't have anything so I'd told her if there were any cancellations we'd be interested............. soooooo anyhoo thankyou Richie! Gary & I will defo be there Hey Vik, Julie did mention your name! Glad things got sorted!! See you both there!
  9. Hi guys, I think this may apply to Richie... I have received a telephone called today from Julie at Fort Augustus Chalet Park trying to to contact Richard Green to confirm his booking for the Hoon weekend. Can you please contact Julie as a matter of URGENCY as she needs to know if you still require the lodge as there are other forum members wanting the lodge. As i said this is urgent. Many thanks Markie Ps I have also sent this as a PM to Richie.
  10. Hi Harrier as Martin (got it right this time) said the stauts goes on posts!! I have 54 plate sunset uk GT. There are a few members in this area and recently been a meet in Lincoln with another one due soon!
  11. Less of the Martine you Ooopsie!!
  12. Welcome to the forum!! You mentione both Peterborough and Newark so whereabouts you from? I'm in between in Grantham.
  13. Looking good Jay!! I will pop in on the way to the hoon and you can give my car the once over
  14. I totally agree with what Martine and Sunset say!! Get the professionals to do the job and then keeping the tip top will be nice and simple.
  15. markie

    My Zed

    Looking good!! Excellent colour choice!!!
  16. My zed is called Ozzy as OZ is in the reg plate. I too have named the majority of my cars over the years!!
  17. crystal of boston!!!!!!! Hi Craig and welcome to the site... this sounds like the chilli that was coming in when I bought mine. When i was looking on the net I enquired about the Chilli but told it wasnt in as yet. I was initially interested in the Chilli becuase of the rarity of the coulour however as soon as I noticed the Sunset I fell in love and purchased it. When i picked my car up the chilli was there but i didnt really have a good look at it as i was so keen to get my hands on my new car. I am sorry to hear that you have had a bad experience with Crystals, I personally cannot fault them and they were very helpful to me and also were very honest and gave all the correct details about the car and showed me all the paperwork on the car etc before I bought it. I suppose that you have to be thankful that they gave you a full refund, some dealers might not have been so forthcoming. I am glad you have got sorted now though and are happy with your new purchase!
  18. Hi there and welcome to the forum! You have done well so far and decided on a Zed!! Happy hunting!!!
  19. Ha ha Cheers Nic!! Oh Nic I can print some off at work on card! I will hand them to you on Wednesday!!!!
  20. Congratulations to you both! Fantastic Pictures!
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