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Everything posted by markie

  1. Happy Birthday Nic... As it is a special birthday you should have got a message from THE queen but you will have to do with my message from A queen instead
  2. 1. Stew+1 Confirmed and booked. Lunch and Afternoon tea x2 2. Martinmac+1 Confirmed and booked. 3. Stan+1 Confirmed and booked. 4. xstric9x+1 Confirmed and booked. 5. Ebized +1 Confirmed and booked. Lunch and Afternoon tea x2 6. AK350Z +1 Confirmed and booked. Lunch and Afternoon tea x2 7. Zmanalex +1 (Sunday 6th only) Lunch and Afternoon tea x1 8. Darren-b +1 Confirmed and booked. 9. Chris`I +1 Confirmed and booked. 10. Chesterfield + Tracy Confirmed and booked. 11.Paul T Confirmed (Sunday 6th only) Lunch and Afternoon tea x2 12. Jay Confirmed and booked. Lunch and Afternoon tea x1 13. JT1703 and Patricia Confirmed and booked. 14. dawnc and Kenny Confirmed and booked. Lunch and Afternoon tea x2 15. Nixy and Markie Confirmed and Booked - Lunch and Afternoon tea x2 16. ddmroadster350z (Sunday 6th only) 17. Vik54 + Gary Confirmed and booked. Lunch and Afternoon tea x2 18. Type g +1 Confirmed and booked. 19. Sandy +1 (Sunday 6th only) 20. 350zPaul +1 (Sunday 6th only) 21. Neilp +1 (Sunday 6th only) 22. Husky +1 Confirmed 23. 350zr4kop +1 or +woofer
  3. That must be why i got rid of my ST3 then Stew My point proven! Thanks Markie! No probs
  4. That must be why i got rid of my ST3 then Stew
  5. No just sensible and as Martin has said we like home comforts I meant the royal we and not as in a couple
  6. No just sensible and as Martin has said we like home comforts
  7. markie

    Space Saver Issues

    I could be wrong and I will double check later when i have read the book but I think the book states that you cannot swap the tyres over as it affects the traction. As I say I am not 100% sure so i will check the book to confirm.
  8. Hey people I am hoping you can help me with a query... I had a blow out on the drivers side front tyre tonight, managed to get parked up quickly and safely albeit on a fairly busy road with lorries thundering past so I called the RAC to assisit me (yeah i'm useless when it comes to this things, plus the car was pretty close to the road and i didn't want to get hit by one of those lorries while i tried to change a tyre). Recovery man takes the front wheel off and goes to replace it with the space saver when he says there is a problem with the space saver... It doesn't fit the front or over the brembo caliper, but looks like it will fit the back. Is this correct? Me knowing nothing about these issues I couldn't say. He was unsure about removing the rear to place on the front and then put the space saver on the back because of the difference in front/rear sizes. So I wonder if there was any truth in this or if he got it wrong as it was getting dark or maybe I have an incorrect space saver? Any help would be really appreciated as currently the car is on the drive after being brought back on a truck and I wondered if I need to get a mobile fitter out or can swap the tyres over to get the car to a garage. Cheers in advance.
  9. I know in previous cars I have owned spiders have caused the alarm to be activated!
  10. 31 and feel quite old in comparison
  11. Pic with Nic and her top off? Nah seen it all before!! Loving the toner chic look!!
  12. the car or the splitter Both but the splitter is V.Nice
  13. Looks like we need to go via the trafford centre on the way to Scotland!!! No probs by me although we may have to leave Nics a bit earlier so I can get some shopping in first Lol!!! Oh and Jay thanks for the pink name!!
  14. Nic, do we need to divert via Manchester on the way up and take a job lot? Could be done
  15. Did i mention that i had some in Selfridges the other week
  16. I am biased as I drive a sunset but I think that the colour is awesome and looks amazing when clean! Does look a totally different colour when the sun is in/dirty it is more of a bronze than an orange. If you like to stand out then this is the colour for you!!
  17. Nic tried to convert me with one of his tracks the other night!!! I liked it!! But yeah Nic is right... stereotypically a homo loving girls aloud Lol!!
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