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Everything posted by markie

  1. Hi Guys, Long time no see. Many thanks for the birthday wishes. Hope everyone is well?
  2. Errrrm......... i WANT that belt, do i have a seat on the bus...? Hello Sailor!!
  3. Oh deffo... He has got to be on my bus as he is wearing a belt just like mine!
  4. Colin and i have lots to organise That's right, I don't want Beavis chasing Markie around all weekend, he's got work to do Its ok Colin i plan on getting Husky and Markie together But i prefer the older man.... Looks at Beavis!!
  5. Chase me Beavis... CHASE ME!!!!
  6. Great picture!! Enjoy your night boys, Nixy and I will enjoy our extended slumber party!!
  7. Well what can i say, the Birthday girl certainly got in the spirit of things (quite literally) last night and a good night was had by all but she was looking VERY broken this morning, well i say this morning, it was more like this afternoon when she finally got out of bed looking like Zelda from Terrahawks!!! Apparently Nic says she is NEVER drinking again lol Happy Birthday to yoooooouuuuuuuuu!!!
  8. I like your money saving tips there Nic Mrs T can't refuse now... the weekend has just got a lot cheaper
  9. Oh but Tarmac you HAVE to come to wales... Alone... otherwise my fantasies won't come true!!
  10. Congrats to you both!! What a fab New Years gift to you both!!!
  11. Hey coops just incase you have no female takers, you have pm!!!
  12. Hi again Alex.... Glad to see you got sorted! Car is looking good!!!
  13. We all know that Nixy's real name is Nora so get that one on the list too!!
  14. Happy Birthday Lucy, Hope you have had a great day!
  15. Wow!! Loving those seats!! I want. i want. I WANT!!!
  16. You know more about my car than i do Yup defo sound different!!
  17. markie


    She sure does!!! I can vouch for it Ignore him Nic, he is a plonker...
  18. Oh bloody hell I thought we had escaped you!! Only joking, good to see you here pete!
  19. Really sorry to hear about that Dave, been there myself and not easy.
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