h5 me to definitely, but i can only pay on the day or how i suggested in PM buddy... if that is a problem i guess i might be able to ask a m8 if he has paypal...
can we take a passenger on the track as a passenger?
This would be me confirming, how do i pay and can i get some track time?
1. H5............................CONFIRMED
2. Digsy?
3. Chris`I +1..................CONFIRMED
4. Ardesco.....................CONFIRMED - PAID
5. lotuscc......................CONFIRMED
6. Mitchell......................CONFIRMED
7. Ian +1......................CONFIRMED
8. choptop + son............CONFIRMED
9. Ando +1....................CONFIRMED - PAID (TRACK)
10. Shire.......................CONFIRMED
11. lomoto
12. Mr Lizard +1 ...........CONFIRMED
All, i will be at santapod running a few 1/4mile times in the zed this Sunday 18th (with some m8's) as long as the BBC weather stays accurate.
If anyone is interested send me a note and ill meet you there.
Most of the photos posted now, including one of the Vectra that turned up at the end
Happy viewing.
after ive uploaded the rest ill let everyone know,
they were all taken at 5 or 6 megapixels so if anyone wants a full res copy of one pm me and ill email it
I assume you have a nice digital SLR then louis?
as i said m8,
From the school of taking a million photos and then cutting them down to the ones i like, took about 300 last time i was at donnington, about 50 of which are awesome
Hi Guys, I have tried to share my photobucket album, though unlike most here im from the photo school of 'Take as many as you possibly can and some will look good'
that roundabout was hilarious, there was about 4 or 5 zeds on it by the end, nose to tail around what could be considered a very small roundabout,
also the noise when you guys took off was awesome, im enquiring re exhausts atm, gits
Well that was a great weekend!
I have now completed my first mod, unfortunatey as you can tell from the picture below I have no idea who it was, any idea???
Thanks for the aerial Tim,
also took this photo by accident which looks awesom and seems to have someone dancing in the reflection, still uploading the rest.
Thanks Dave, awesome day, didnt want to go home
unfortunately ended up with a shopping list longer than my ape like arms
didnt get to talk to phil in the end tho that was probably for the best seeing as my eagle eared misses was in tow
I always found it interesting that the Merc SLR's wheels were designed to channel air into the brakes like propeller blades. Never seen anyone else do this and it appears from those pics that Nissan have chosen to increase the size of the gap between the spokes instead.
I think Saab were the first people to do that, as plane designers would make sense, the Saab 900's from 91+ those bizarre looking 3 spokes force air into the brakes by design #IIRC
mines a 56plate so have a while to wait
ill have a word with the one known only as bigphil at wales and see what he says about the coilovers.
your going the same direction as zedrush by the sounds of it! Looking forward to seeing the beast at wales, ta for the info.
ok not such a bad idea... would a coilover pack/new pads be an issue or would just count as a replacement rather than a performance upgrade?
Im by no means a mechanic but I am learning so hopefully popcharger etc should be ok...
Hi Guys
Can someone just clarify this for me,
I dont want to invalidate my warranty on the car, having the plenum and the lower collector should be fine, but will having a cone air filter/pop charger and shocks etc screw my warranty?
At what point should I stop?