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Everything posted by MrLizard

  1. brilliant episode though the beating of the fish is the best bit
  2. i am planning to start using it on the track, does that count? i think that counts, coincidently i am having some decals made up for mine, tho at the moment it just looks like a wasp, everything is black and bright yellow, problem im having is the design, a few of the cars posted so far have been wrapped as apposed to decal'd completely different budget needed, also need paint corrected properly before doing this. i used forza to design mine, ill have to upload the pics at some point, damn useful
  3. little unsure how the arb could click like that... (i have some for sale tho if interested)
  4. :lol: only a temporary thing, the dash takes a while to fit and the place sorting the cage suggested they would charge me a couple of hours less time if i refitted it myself...
  5. its scraping the sound deadening thats the worst part, heat gun, a gullable friend and a spare 4 weeks, hard work, also i think the fumes play tricks with your mind cause i decided whilst sitting in the boot scraping to unscrew the boot weight off the lid which promptly hit me in the face...
  6. Agreed. MrLizard can 'add' no interior, AP brake kit all round, racing seats etc.... I've got less interior than him at the moment Unfortunatley my car wont be ready for when they want to shoot the car you might have the same lack of interior but to have less you would be missing, well, ermmm, i dunno, maybe the rear centre brake light? i need to put some back in to be fair, the dash and instruments, driving with only the use of gps for speed isnt great...
  7. if you get there early before they are using the overflow then you have a nice tarmac carpark only an issue when they start using the overflow fields, im sure you'll be fine, if they ask you to park up a hill do what i should of done and refuse, they will find somewhere flat for you
  8. if you get there early before they are using the overflow then you have a nice tarmac carpark only an issue when they start using the overflow fields, im sure you'll be fine, if they ask you to park up a hill do what i should of done and refuse, they will find somewhere flat for you
  9. had quite a few people enquire about all of the boot trim, the silver z emblem has been sold and i have had 2 enquiries regarding the bit that covers people looking in but not sold that yet or the rest of the trim from the boot! 50 pm's in 2 days and counting... i have some nice 350z mats here as well if anyone is interested
  10. had quite a few people enquire about all of the boot trim, the silver z emblem has been sold and i have had 2 enquiries regarding the bit that covers people looking in but not sold that yet or the rest of the trim from the boot! 50 pm's in 2 days and counting... i have some nice 350z mats here as well if anyone is interested
  11. im going but not in the zed, partly cause the mrs is going and the zed has one seat, and partly cause last time i was parked on a ridiculous hill
  12. im going but not in the zed, partly cause the mrs is going and the zed has one seat, and partly cause last time i was parked on a ridiculous hill
  13. I also have the upper wish bones from the front suspension in good condition if anyone wants, replied to all the pm's, strut cover is sold
  14. I also have the upper wish bones from the front suspension in good condition if anyone wants, replied to all the pm's, strut cover is sold
  15. sorry alex i was referring to the previous post, you beat me to the reply, as per pm if i can remove it let me know where it is assuming it isnt part of the main dash
  16. sorry alex i was referring to the previous post, you beat me to the reply, as per pm if i can remove it let me know where it is assuming it isnt part of the main dash
  17. yes though ill have to do some digging for it, you want the switch and the associated cables for it? pm me ta
  18. yes though ill have to do some digging for it, you want the switch and the associated cables for it? pm me ta
  19. grab handle and rear z emblem with silver bit also now sold
  20. grab handle and rear z emblem with silver bit also now sold
  21. i have the stereo control on the steering wheel but i wouldnt want to sell that without the wheel m8 the speedo cluster i will be selling but not yet, prolly in another month or so
  22. i have the stereo control on the steering wheel but i wouldnt want to sell that without the wheel m8 the speedo cluster i will be selling but not yet, prolly in another month or so
  23. roll cage is taking a little longer than expected to fit so im currently without the car, so i thought i would take the chance to lay everything out and post stuff up... petrol tank arrives this week going to look a lil silly filling the tank up by opening the boot like but still
  24. roll cage is taking a little longer than expected to fit so im currently without the car, so i thought i would take the chance to lay everything out and post stuff up... petrol tank arrives this week going to look a lil silly filling the tank up by opening the boot like but still
  25. not much one cf bucket seat a roll cage and thats about it
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