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Everything posted by MrLizard

  1. interesting read, hope it works out, bennet i quite like option 1 wasso AN ARM REST!!!
  2. might do, unsure m8, if your interested i could measure ?
  3. i have a k&n typhoon intake pipe in blue that would look nice if your interested let me know, im unsure if it would fit the standard intake box...
  4. Videos now posted: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=36178
  5. Not sure how to embed the links and it would be good to have some more subscribers on the channel so please visit below http://www.youtube.com/teamlizardmotorsport
  6. Is that how you drive? :-) that would infer there is someone infront of me? some good language there tho, i have to keep quiet now we have in car camera ! i did swear at the end of one vid and flip someone the bird, a caravan in the pit entrance i think i was justified! (cut that now)
  7. i know of another place but they are so poor i wont even name them in bad press
  8. there are more but i would strongly advise going to one who knows what their doing. obviously as i have experience in dealing with them I would suggest Abbey from the two above i've never had anything other than a1 customer service from them..
  9. Mac, talk to abbey whilst your there they might be able to give you a good idea on mods to make the most of the flash you want to get done in the future.
  10. MrLizard

    Final Drive

    Steve, I suggest you call Abbey directly, it doesnt take too long to fit but it isnt a job I would recommend trying yourself, also remember to mark in the fitting kit from adam (its on their site), i think I went for the cheaper of the two as my car had only done 15k miles... you will completely transform the car if you get the plenum and uprev/final drive and get Abbey to map it with the throttle map as well as the uprev magic mark does If you do want a few more ponies then the motordyne exhaust complements the uprev map and the car generally really well in my opinion. maybe something to consider for the future, Mark can talk you through all that tho go for the 4.08 instead of the 3.9 you know you want to
  11. MrLizard

    Final Drive

    he was stamping on the invisible brake pedal but my man in the pits told everyone they had to keep their hands inside the seat they were in so just general shaking/noises/stamps on the metal plate we put in... one person didnt breathe for half a lap, i thought they were gonna pass out... i think accelerating past the point where the other cars had been braking for a while didnt help peoples nerves... if i get a chance im sure i will get out on the track with another zed testing somewhere at some point,
  12. MrLizard

    Final Drive

    when we were at silverstone there was a guy we took out as a passenger ride (1 of 20 or so) and on the way back to the pits the conversation went like this: him - so thats running 600bhp i assume? me - no its 300bhp, class restriction him - no i know what a car with that much power feels like dont lie me - no seriously, it just weighs a lot less and is tuned properly him - ok you believe what you like... and he walked away convinced i was lying to him... the car pulls hard and has no delay, Abbey have altered the throttle map as well as the engine map so the car drives and delivers the power incredibly well. The final drive obviously helps this and the weight loss makes a huge difference. Running out of things to remove now tho... ABS is next on the list possibly followed by a hole cutter The Standard 3.5 final drive is a bit restrictive imo for the car. 6th is only ever going to be a cruise gear so why have such long gearing...
  13. MrLizard

    Final Drive

    hmm, yoko it depends on the profile of tyre i have on if I had to guess maybe 125 ish... ill let you know at snetterton
  14. if anyone fancies becoming a fan of tlmotorsport I would appreciate that too
  15. MrLizard

    Final Drive

    how did you predict that lee? I have the 4.08, 3fiddyz can give you an idea of what it felt like in comparison. It works wonders for me on the track. There is a certain amount of overdrive in 6th as I understand it the further you go from 1:1 the less hp you can use in the higher gears, so, although you gain a significant amount of acceleration from 1st to 5th, 6th for me now is useless. On a UK track the only place ive been where this is an issue was the very very very end of the national straight at silverstone (now the wellington straight and before all that the club straight). I got round this by using bigger profile tyre I got Abbey to fit mine and they did a cracking job, the only thing I would change if I were to go back is I would probably swap the diff out as well as the final drive whilst its sat there... For road use I think it would work well, not many people should still be accelerating in 6th on the road if they have redlined the previous gear as it were. if you need to know anything else let me know. Adam supplied mine as well, good kit and excellent service
  16. nice to see your still about chris, how is the zed now?
  17. MrLizard


    i wouldnt recommend them for the road really, you'll scrub them quickly and they wont last very long
  18. MrLizard


    excellent tyre, performance is cracking when you get heat in them, and after some 'modifications' they worked well in the wet too, still generating a lot of heat. bare in mind that with the huge increase in grip you will put more strain on parts of the suspension, ive altered quite a bit in that department so cant really give you any help on how that may effect your car... also put them through a couple of heat cycles to get rid of the gel coat and get the tyre pressures spot on when you first go on track i think i start at 26psi now, which goes to about 34ish hot
  19. why dont you do one of the following 1. go round your neighbours house and sleep on their car, feeling free to stretch if required 2. buy a larger cat (because you can specify size...) and give it a treat everytime it guards your car
  20. I noticed your car in there m8, was a good read, i only got half a page in that issue but hopefully more in the next as TLM hadnt actually done much between the last two issues
  21. thanks guys, GT4 the brake ducts are good if your running for longer periods of times, we found with the heat paint etc that 20 minutes is ok, the ducts will slow the car down aerodynamically but they are a good bit of kit we will be switching from AP discs to PF discs for snetterton hopefully so will need to monitor it then.
  22. just get 2 axle stands, handbrake on or chock back wheels and then use the jack that comes with the car to get it onto the two axle stands, halfords do a pair.
  23. Race Report Mallory Park 2010 Qualifying This was a weak point of last year. Which did in fact help race craft but wasn’t very indicative of the results. Last year at Mallory I qualified 18th and finished 10th. Since last year I was fortunate enough to do quite well in a Nissan sponsored competition where I was given an R35 and a 370z to play with and had to basically hot lap my way further through the competition. I suspect this and a bit of Mallory practice helped as this time round we made 5th! Going out onto the circuit the car felt good but the brake pads were brand new and the discs on their last legs, the team told me I had to do 3 laps to bed them in and return to the pits. I was being followed by a very quick mx5 in the first session, I was braking a little early but he certainly wasn’t hanging about, I hope I didn’t affect your qualifying. Tried to find the pit lane on lap 3 and there was a service vehicle blocking the entrance. Tried to point at where I wanted to go and he put me through into the paddock!!! I knew we had only a short amount of time and then had the two RJN 370z’s trundling infront of me. So I dropped a cog and skirted round them whilst they were on their way to assembly, sorry! Also very nearly ran the guy over in the assembly area as he was trying to get me to line up and I kept coasting towards him in an attempt to make him believe i was in this session not the next! Tyres checked, pads checked, team gave the ok and off we went. Found over 2 seconds from last year per lap which im very happy with and started an incredible 5th on the grid, with Vaughen starting 1st with an awesome time in the 52's!! Race 1 Having watched the Nippon for a while as well as racing I knew that Adrian in the STi was quick and I knew that Andy Mclennan was not well known for trying to conserve petrol either. Always seem to stop breathing when lining up on the grid. Anyway getting past that, lights went out and floored the throttle, nothing! clutch slip! Clutch pedal stayed jammed to the floor, lots of revs and no power... quick change into second, still same issue but the power started to feed back into the car and the clutch came out and off I went, aiming for the inside. Adrian, Vaughen and Maxim had got a decent start and were off into the sunset, Andy started on the wrong side of the track really and I just managed to push him wide into turn one, meanwhile Ian Froggett had a brilliant start in the Scooby Clinic prepped STi and flew past me. The next few laps were spent trying to pursued him to give up the position which he didn’t seem too keen on doing. Laptimes seemed to be fairly equal but with Ian probably going through the first corner slightly slower than me and coming out of the hairpin like a rocket where all i could do was put a show on for the crowd. Having decided where I wanted to try the overtake I lined up the pass on the previous corner coming sideways out of the long first corner, Ian obviously could see this coming and pushed me to within a cars breadth of the grass and I managed to seal it on the inside into the esses, I suspect pushing us both wildly offline in the process. Shortly after this Ian had to drop back with some overboost issues which im told were probably due to the weather conditions. Next in line was Adrian, who had been making some serious progress whilst I was battling with Ian. It looked like I was catching but only very slowly, In my head I knew, had there been a clear track the 10 or so minutes left probably wouldn’t have been enough time to catch and then pass. I hoped that the traffic may fall in my favour and it seemed to work both ways, one lap I would catch, the next he pulled away, I could see from my laptimes that I seemed to be hitting 55’s in traffic and suspected Adrian was having a similar problem. Still I gave it 100% all the way to the end when all of a sudden I seemed to have caught a few hundred yards up without any traffic between us. At the time I assumed Adrian had taken a corner badly but I was still catching him, coming out of the hairpin I was right behind him, Adrian had obviously got a problem and was defending as best he could but with no real power, fortunately I found a gap and passed him on the finish line to clinch third overall and second in class! Race 2 Having finished the previous race 3rd, just! I started 3rd again in this one. Unfortunately I forgot to look at the grid layout so I only knew where people were from what happened in the first race. Maxim confirmed that unfortunately the incredibly orange RX7 would not be in the next race which meant an empty spot on the grid. I assumed that I would have issues with Andy chasing me down again (though I underestimated just quite how determined he would be!) and I knew that Adrian and Vaughen would be leaving me off the line. What I wasn’t banking on was another Scooby following in Adrians wake off the grid and making me look like I was going backwards! I had hoped to have 6 clean laps to catch Adrian before traffic with no one in between us, that wasn’t to be, I was yet again confronted by a very quick, well driven Scooby, though dark blue instead of white this time. I did manage to out brake this one again into the esses however there was some work to do to catch Adrian. Managed to get quite close a couple of times but knowing by now where I wanted to make a move he kept that incredibly wide Scooby planted on the defensive into the esses and forced me around the outside. I struggled for grip under braking a couple of times into the hairpin and found that coming out of it twice I ended up getting blocked (though not on purpose) by MR2’s, the first time of which Adrian chose to show me how 4x4 works and decided that tarmac was for wimps... using the grass instead!! Traffic caused me to lose some ground and i had to settle for 3rd overall again including almost going head on into an MR2 facing the wrong way, hopefully kept Adrian on his toes though , great racing and a fantastic day. Looking forward to Snetterton. Huge thanks to TLM and Abbey Motorsport for running the car. Abbey did an amazing job and there is no way I would have ended up with the laptimes i did without their support. Thanks to all that turned up. Tony from Envy made an appearance, sorry I didnt get a chance to say good bye! Video is on its way! 2nd in Class twice! 3rd overall twice! http://www.teamlizardmotorsport.com Facebook is http://www.facebook.com/tlmotorsport.com Thanks to all the sponsors Abbey Motorsport http://www.abbeymotorsport.co.uk Zenzero http://www.zenzero.co.uk **REMOVED** UpRev http://www.uprev.com/ Motordyne http://www.motordyneengineering.com/ Opie Oils Total Nissan
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