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Everything posted by RobD7

  1. Guys, I'm not going to be able to make this as I do have to work tomorrow. Thanks for the invite and enjoy! Oh and I'll eagerly await photo's of what Bullet buys this time!!
  2. So does that civic on the forecourt look better with the whippy ariel thats now on it? I have a honda dealer down the road, if everyone wants to send me their ariels with a return stamped address envelope I will go down one night and switch them over (obviously this will be for the good of the prospective honda drivers as it will pick up radio 2,3,4 and classic FM much better!) If there all changed over then the honda dealers wont notice the difference! If its the odd one or 2 then they may get suspecious!! The above is to be taken as a joke.... Brilliant! I was actually about to take mine off and post it to you!
  3. That hurts to see! Hope you get it sorted soon
  4. Welcome to the site Get some pics up!
  5. Yeah it's been a while since we heard anything... Fingers crossed
  6. RobD7


    I suppose I should have worked that out from the name A bargain price then
  7. RobD7


    That looks awesome! A good purchase Jerry
  8. If I remember correctly you had that stunning blue 350 didn't you!? Changing to silver must be a shock!
  9. RobD7


    Have you got a pic of them you can post?
  10. RobD7


    Personally I'd only go through Nissan for the sake of my service book (also somewhere respectable to complain if they fudge up). However that is a very good deal!
  11. I watched it the other night - absolutely brilliant! My stag do is in Vegas in September so all those going are coming with me to watch it again and take notes of how it's done!!
  12. That's so annoying - however, a bit like others have said, it's difficult to not laugh at the cheek of them fitting a replacement!
  13. Great news Steve, so glad you got it sorted
  14. I'd always buy the latest model personally
  15. Aren't the Lexus one's a much better fit though!?
  16. Guys, I didn't realise it was Father's day! I'm going to have to pull out of the Sunday but I hope to come to the Saturday instead... However, I need to get out of working first! So I'll let you know next week. Thanks, Rob
  17. RobD7

    UK GT Z

    What a brilliant thread! He says up to £10k and not UK, he's then directed to an import and offered cars more than £10k! We're a listening bunch I promise!!
  18. It doesn't have that does it!?
  19. Not wanting to throw a spanner in the works, but commercial energgy agreements differ MASSIVELY from domestic gas/electricity agreements. Most large gas agreements carry what is known as "take or pay clauses". These vary in their thresholds, but 80/120 is not uncommon. What this means is that the site is contracted to use a minimum of 80% and a maximum of 120% of its nominated AQ (annual quantity). In short, the supplier reserves the right to charge the site for 80% of its annual quantity regardless of its usage. i.e. at £80k per month, thats a minimum £768k for the year regardless of whether the site uses it or not. Some suppliers will reconcile this on a monthly basis with an average daily load calculation, some will reconcile it at the end of the year, so clients may not be aware its coming. The bad news is that if its reconciled at the end of the year, there would be a massive outstanding balance on the account come contract renewal time, if this cannot be cleared in one payment, then at contract renewal the current supplier would not allow the transfer to another provider. Effectively they would then have the company over a barrel with regard to its next contract price. If the company is considering using the "savings" from simply switching off the gas to continue paying staff, I would be making sure they know the detail within their supply agreement. I know of two suppliers that will contract with no minimum consumption level, one of those will only do it when pushed and given assurances of the load, the other is not a well known company, and would perhaps not take on the risk of a construction related business with such a large AQ anyway. Wow - did not know that, very interesting
  20. Hello mate, welcome to the forum You won't regret buying one!
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