I think I will ask them as I haven't got a clue what I'm doing! And on the basis I've been sensible and this has never happened on other new cars then I think it's only fair they sort it out!
I think it's the front ones and no they don't squeak all the time, just when I'm going quite slow and creeping forward whilst on the brake, e.g. down my drive, approaching a speed bump, etc...
Yeah I did wonder that but I've I've been running the car in properly so not nailing it hence no heavy braking! Harsh if that is the reason. How would I know?
Over the last few weeks my brakes have been squeaking quite loud (embarrassingly loud! ). I presumed they were just wearing in but after 700 miles there is still no change. Only get the noise when I'm going slowly, like rolling down my drive.
Is this normal? Or should I be taking it back to the garage under warranty?
Any help, greatly appreciated
Whats the stand in? Whats the stand in going to be superceeded by?
PS: Hi Dave :bye:
If you were that reluctant to let on, I'm guessing you were driving a smart car!?