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Everything posted by RobD7

  1. I took 2 people out when I sold my previous car, never really think about something like this happening. I presume they came across like decent people? Feel for you
  2. Gutted for him. Such a waste of a car
  3. Big companies don't care how long you're with them... All they're interested in is offering new customer's deals. When will they learn
  4. Glad to see it's resolved Good customer service if you ask me as most places do fob you off!!
  5. I think that 1st pic is spot on
  6. Welcome to the site My preference would always be UK car
  7. For me it's the colour! Never had white before and LOVE IT!
  8. Looks good, especially the high hedge hiding it too
  9. Liking that and the wheels!
  10. Am playing footy tonight but up for organising something soon???
  11. Right well there we go, we have a 3 car meet!
  12. I'm always up for it or actually next time we go to a meet we can go in a 4 car convoy!!
  13. Not many, I can only think of 4 people on here being from Sussex and 2 of those are us!!
  14. If he's a regular I'd just think yeah you're a to55er but your drunken money funds my mods so I'll overlook it!!
  15. Just thinking about this, make sure you report it to the police. They'll never catch the person but adds to their stats another unsolved crime and highlights scumbags being rife in the community. They'd prefer you didn't report it because they're very unlikely to solve but I always would. Especially as when you watch the news and they talk about types of crime reducing, too often I think no, people just don't bother reporting as much as they know it won't be solved... Which is definitely not how it should be...
  16. Yeah it works for me No doubt see you at a meet soon although not too many go on in our neck of the woods!
  17. So gutted for you, you had only said last week about being worried... Why oh why do people begrudge people owning something decent if they've worked hard for it... What's worse is even if you could catch them, the police would give them 2 hours community service for which they wouldn't turn up for... But then that's why kids behave the way they do because there are no consequences. Good idea moving soon
  18. Mods looked awesome, especially the exhaust
  19. All depends on timing though, I bought a spare one for £30 on ebay earlier this year Steve Ok so basically I could get nothing or I could be laughing... I should find out reasonably soon!
  20. Looks Welcome to the site You're just down the road from me
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