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Everything posted by RobD7

  1. I'm coming up from newbury area,if your going near there sure ill hop on, thinking ill leave around 5:30-6 am tho... Adrian On the basis of how early a start it is, I've decided to go up the night before so will see you there I'd be looking at a 4 / 5am start which I've decided is just too early!!
  2. Right, I'm going to come up the night before and on the basis I haven't got a clue where is best to stay, me and the missus will join you here If I've understood your comment right, do people go out the night before for drink and something to eat? Or is that special invitation!?
  3. 1. Beavis +1........................2 x carvery 2. martinmac +1 .................2 x carvery 3. AndySpak........................Too scared of the nerdy owners 4. Shire +1.......................... 5. Stanski +1 .....................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 6. Little Miss........................ 7. Squarehead+1................2 x carvery 8. Maccaman .....................1 x carvery 9. H5.................................. 10. flirt............................... 11. Chesterfield + 1............2 x carvery 12. M13KYF +1...................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 13. Adriank + 1...................2 x carvery 14. Drewbie........................2 x carvery 15. nurrish.........................2 x carvery 16. Chris`I +1................... 17. nixu +1....................... 18. xStric9x +1 (TBC)........ 19. jonb ...........................1 x carvery 20. RobD7 +1....................2 x carvery 21. Stew +1 (TBC).............. 22. Lomoto .......................1 x carvery 23. Jotun +1 .....................2 x carvery 24. Rentech+1...................2 x carvery 25. ricardo........................2 x carvery 26. Neil + 1.......................2 x carvery 27. DaveJ +1.................... 2 x carvery 28. KO PWR +1................. 29. Darren-B....................2 x carvery 30. IanS16 +1................... 31. T8JPE +1.....................
  4. Ok cheers guys, that sorts it I'm def in! Anyone else travelling up from the South who wants to join me on my trek up?
  5. Looking Welcome to the site
  6. Do you mean on the Sunday after the drive? Its usually about 5 or 6pm, but without the second tea stop and the shorter daylight, its probably going to be nearer 5 than it is 6, but most people head off home after a coffee at the services. Right so back to Chester at 5pm, then tonk it back to Brighton so probably looking at 9pm home... Do people make their own way back from Wales or is the idea to stay in convoy back to Chester?
  7. Both cars look good And welcome to the site
  8. Guys, what sort of time do you get back to Chester in the evening? Am trying to still come but have a birthday to attend that evening! If I do come it's going to be a bloody long day!!
  9. I'm being nosey now but I wanna know why!? Is it an interesting reason!?
  10. Mine went on fine, the garage spent about 30mins fitting it Have you got a photo of it yet?
  11. RobD7

    Nismo Sticker...

    You get one for free if you buy a Nismo bodykit from Nissan!
  12. I don't think there is anything wrong with the original!
  13. Guys, this is back up for sale as per above. PM if you're interested
  14. I took about 5 cars out for test drives, the 350 was way ahead. Will be an easy choice
  15. 1. H5 2. Bigphil and ESR 3. Chesterfield 4. Shire Sorry chaps I'm going to have to step out of this. I have a 30th birthday party to go to on the Saturday night. They've hired a boat for the night so heavy drinking out at sea! No way I'll then be fit to drive up as I was planning to come on the Sunday. Sorry for messing you about
  16. I don't even know what to say about this, what a joke... The FIA deserve to sink for this.
  17. I disagree slightly, I think its being too British that has built up unrealistic expectations on Khan's shoulders. He's a young lad and a decent boxer it just annoys me that the media hype him up, especially Sky so they can charge £15 a pop to see his fights, even when he's at the very start of his career and unproven. Its similar with the football team. Every competion were always about 6/1 and 4th or 5th favourites? Why? We've not won anything for nearly 50 years and not looked like winning anything since. Without all the media hype, we would of been watching the fight last night hoping he won, not expecting it because Sky tell us he's ace and therefore worth £15 from each of us. Rant over I agree but then that's why I ignore media hype before anything. You take football for example. They don't let us down, they re just crap and we should expect that. Until a manager really mixes it up that won't change. You take someone like Khan, he is over hyped but that doesn't mean it's acceptable for him to be torn to shreds when he fails. He actually got booed on the way out last night - what a joke. He hasn't done much wrong, he got outclassed and has to deal with it and train harder. It doesn't really help him to wake up to pages worth of, "give up you're crap". If Rocky had taken that attitude after losing to Clubber Lang, he'd have never ended Rocky 3 a winner!
  18. Come on lads, lets try and not be too British and support someone for once! He was outclassed but he is only 21 (I think). He needed taking down so he knows he's not invincible. Now he'll train knowing he can't just dance about expecting all fights to be easy! He will def be better for this.
  19. RobD7

    New wheels

    Really like them
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