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Everything posted by RobD7

  1. Veyron all the way for me especially in that White and with that air brake!!!!!! Zonda was alright but too over the top for me
  2. Most people on here end up calling him, money well spent
  3. [quote="Sarnie Think you've posted this in the wrong section
  4. Big Phil's company - East Shore Racing...
  5. Mate, there is loads about the 370 on here, do a search to find it
  6. Welcome to the site I can def recommend the 309 one
  7. Nice! We've got scorching sun down here!
  8. Shame we cant fit bull bars.... The amount of cyclists I see go through red lights in london and the amount wihout lights in bmouth, then the motorist gets slammed for running over something he cant see. +1 - utter joke this country
  9. Have to admit, if this was out a year earlier I would've had this over the z! Looks an amazing car and am hoping driving it will be the same especially as the R26.R has set such a high standard
  10. Yes yes yes - liking that Glad you're putting the stickers back on, will complete the look
  11. I can see why people are doubtful of you! You and your 'son' seem to have very similar spelling
  12. Colin, loving the pic of yours at the Marina car park where it's on its own, looks mean!
  13. Now this is very interesting. Please do tell more. +1
  14. A great day out guys, good to meet up with old and new faces Well done Mark for organising, it was spot on Nice pic of ours Stan! Great to have another white one on board
  15. Glad you got it sorted Only joking, was very unlikely that I could be bothered to courier it anyway!
  16. Welcome to the site Liking the look of your car
  17. Hello mate, good choice Now put some photos up!
  18. Right, I'm going to join you boys on the A27 just outside Brighton. If I've worked out your route right, you'll arrive there about 11.30am!?!?
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