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Everything posted by RobD7

  1. RobD7

    My new wheels :D

    Not sure about the gold However, at that price it's a steal so fair play to you
  2. Ho - I'm following this thread with eager interest! Let me know how it goes
  3. Looks awesome Although the performance of the last one wasn't as good as it should be, I really liked it
  4. Although now CS has posted that pic... Hmmm...
  5. You know my opinion, goes with the Ings Is the Ings in the pic the same as Mark's as you know how good that looks in the flesh
  6. Well at £20 this was a steal. Was sold privately to me from another forum member. It took little time to install, the longest bit of it was me soldering the original grounding cable to it's new o-clip you see in the first pic. £20!? I thought you were going to say it cost a few hundred quid with that list of gains!
  7. Sorry to hear this mate - that is poop that you need to take money from the state because no one will give you a break re setting up your business
  8. According to the website it does the following: I originally bought the kit to see if it will eliminate a slight whine I get when driving at 80mph in sixth gear. When I either lift off the throttle or accellerate past 80mph, it goes away, so I thought it might help. So far I haven't noticed any of the advertised benefits as I have yet to take it onto the dual carriageway, did notice a slight smoothing in idle tho. I already dismissed any claimed increases, due to our ECUs. Would be interested to know how you get on with this (as in if you see any of the benefits!). And god you're spanking a lot of money on your car at the mo!
  9. Varis Carbon bonnet would look superb on your white Zed. It would but it doesn't fit on my model! Mark sent me a couple of pictures of other bonnets but I don't think they look as good as yours! You've set the standard
  10. Yours is some sort of spray they have put all over the bolts. It certainly built up over time! That's the next thing then Rob, some more under bonnet bling and a polishing session under there... Let us know how the Tardis goes Wayne. Rob might be ordering a gallon of the stuff! Engine bling is the way to go I feel Although engine sludge removal must come first! By the looks of these pictures, this stuff is what is needed!!
  11. So what's next for yours Rob?? A very good question - since doing the induction kit I'm starting to feel the modding bug come back!
  12. Now there's an idea! Bright green and white - lovely
  13. Welcome More up north than down south on here I reckon! By up north I mean above London!
  14. I think you could be clutching there! A few people on here do have cool zed plates though, e.g. the guy with the 2 colour veilside kit
  15. Good idea, thanks I feel for you with the £1,200, that is a lot of money. Fingers crossed for you mate
  16. No problem there, I will ship one out to the Chillis... Seriously, do it! It'll be the easiest sale you ever get!
  17. And the plus side of leaving them green is everyone can see a mile away you've got a quality mod and not an ebay one!
  18. Leave them green then. My point was if you want the colours under your bonnet matching then green doesn't tend to go!
  19. Ah ok just wondered... And for the money I don't think you can beat it!
  20. The Tein one's look good, the only problem is they are green and if you're like me, then painting them is too much effort!
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