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Everything posted by RobD7

  1. A great thread - glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks this way... Let me know where I need to sign up!
  2. Received mine this morning - great service! Thanks!
  3. Awesome first pic And welcome to the site
  4. That is good I'm paying that and I've got 8 years no claims!
  5. Buying things that don't require blood to be spilt in fitting now eh! - I'll still probably need your help again fitting them though!!
  6. +1 that is so true with their shocking prices!
  7. +1 - like for like cover is vital when you've got a lot of money tied up in a body kit like Mark and I have!!
  8. I won't comment on the quality of the cars (not qualified to do so!) but welcome to the site
  9. I can't believe how cheap that is! Good luck with the sale... Some one is going to get an absolute bargain
  10. Good to hear you got a good deal... Seems very good although does it allow for mods? Flux have just come through nicely for me so won't hear a bad word said about them!
  11. Back to work i hope Unless there are still some more useless financial tossers left in the system Sadly they will still be in the system as the fat cats are never made accountable for anything
  12. Seeing as I am in banking Dave, I feel like you are one of the few people on the planet who might like to thank me!!
  13. That's shocking... Even if you didn't want to respond, I'd have been tempted to at least follow him whilst on the phone to the old bill. Not that they'd do much though
  14. Paul, this looks great - I look forward to using my raffle voucher towards getting this done to mine!!
  15. Don't you still sell them Mark? The one I got from you does the job well!
  16. First thing I think I've ever won! Yeah! Most importantly though lets hope the money raised can make a small difference
  17. Looks good Adrian - look forward to seeing it again at a KFC somewhere!
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