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Everything posted by breay

  1. Ive been searching around for a quality cold air intate for the zed for a while and finally made my mind up on an ARC enclosed airbox and polished intake pipe. But then i went mad and bought the ARC slam panel to match as well as a summit strut brace and a couple of Nismo caps! The fit of the ARC stuff is amazing and was a piece of cake to fit, a big thank you to Chris at JDM. Oh and it sounds awesome!!!
  2. breay

    My new Recaros...

    Thanks guys im glad you like them, they look amazing, classy without being 'chavvy' looking. The best thing is they only cost me £450 for both! bargain!
  3. Well after waiting for my custom sub frames to arrive, and after a day of bruised knuckles and a few head scratching moments my lovely leather recaros are in! They completely change the feel of the car to drive and i now get the lovely smell of leather when i open the door. A couple of pics for you guys....
  4. whats wrong with piston heads stuey? am i missing some thing?
  5. speaking of dodgy mods, have you guys seen this zed on pistonheads?? From the outside it looks quite tasty, bit of dub style going on with the cromes etc but then look at the interior! what the f@ck! it says the car turns heads where ever it goes! i bet it does! ha ha
  6. OH MY GOD!!!!! i think a bit of sick just came up! some people just dont have a clue! and you just know hes spent about 20k building that thing! ha ha ha
  7. breay

    Bloody curbs

    Bugger! i hate the dreaded kurbasaurus it bit one of the polished lips on my old buddy clubs and then it corroded like a bi@tch! It could be worse tho Ian your lucky in a way that its just on the red lip, could you not get away with colour matching the red and touching it in?
  8. I agree with GC350z, i think they are the new units mine is a 54 reg and has the orange reflector strips on the outer part of the lights, im sure the new style headlights have LED type reflectors/ sidelights.
  9. breay

    Spacers question

    I had 5mm spacers on my evo to clear the brembos on the front hubs, they didnt affect the handling of the car what so ever. Hope this helps.
  10. Just out of interest why did you reset the E.C.U. after fitting the induction kit? am i missing something?
  11. Panic over! (i hope!) i performed the procedure 3 times and it seems to have worked..............fingers crossed.
  12. You wont experience any power gains, the E.C.U. on the zeds cancel out any bhp increase, and if you loose torque as well i wouldn't bother unless you upgrade to a piggy back E.C.U. but that will cost you an arm and a leg so prob not worth it unless you invest in a whole load of matched performance mods. The only upside would be the noise!
  13. Hello peeps! Well i took me all day to get my new seats in! problem is one of the air bag resistors i made up didnt crimp onto the passenger airbag wire properly so my airbag light is on! I need to perform the reset procedure, problem is according to the forum the guide says do the procedure 3 times and thats it, but a guide on one of the american sites says do it 3 times to put the car into SELF DIAGNOSIS MODE and then another 3 times to put it into USER mode to put the light out?? Who do i go with? Have any of you fellow zed gods had any experience with the rest procedure?
  14. This may sound stupid but is there any plans for a TOTAL 350Z magazine??
  15. Just a quick update to my original post, ive ordered some frames so wont be needing second hand ones.
  16. I didnt know if you were getting new seats and frames! but ive heard milk crates are a good alternative! Do you know any one who can get some subframes for me other than Adam at Z1?
  17. Hi Andy, dont worry about your original seats now mate, i removed one of mine and my plan of using the subframes isnt going to work so im going to have to buy some bride sun frames instead. Fancy selling yours to me????
  18. Andy you are alive!!!!! I've pm you twice, i thought id upset you! Can you let me know about the seats mate, or more importantly the subframes on them as i need to get my hands on some.
  19. Andy are your original seats still available???
  20. Lomoto have you definately sold your seats to Phil? I'm after some!
  21. I thought he'd sold his to Big Phil?
  22. Ok boys change of plan....... has any one got a pair of shitty standard seats that they want to get rid of? or more importantly the original sub frames as they are what i need. I'd rather not pay much for them but it doesn't matter if the seats are crap as i only want the frames. Let me know i have cash waiting and can collect.
  23. Hi Guys! I'm after a set of after market subframes like brides or recaros etc. ive spoken to Adam at Z1 but thought i'd see if any of you guys have some in the darkest depths of your garages! Cheers
  24. You mean theres another blue one! No i dont think i was around david lloyd but mine is a 54 azure, is yours a 54 reg gunmetal one?
  25. Hi Andy, did you get my pm the other day?
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