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Everything posted by Jixaman

  1. Strathaven... If midnight is a really deep black like blue then theres at least one...
  2. Smurf blue too light, the blue in the glmets sig is too light as well, serious, its like black... Ah'll try to sneak a picture tonight... Be better if theres a post later from the dude who owns it though, dont want to get caught takin pictures at a neighbours ahv never met... Give them the really wrong impression of me...
  3. Ahv moved to the other side of town and the guy at the end of the road has what we thought was a black 350Z, just a bit dirty... Turns out to be a really deep blue... Hello whoever you are, my Z is still parked up at the old house but am tryin to arrange a trailer this week to get it moved so if you live at the end of a street, own a dark blue Z and notice a black Z a couple of doors across from you, thats me... Though you probably wont see the Z for the monster truck sitting in the drive...
  4. Ok, will go through all the resets... Got to be something daft as it resets itself (no lights) when you turn off the ignition and restart the car, just when the revs drop it goes into limp mode... Cleaning the MAF sounds like a plan too... Anyone got the location ? Cheers for that BBKid, I'v already got him into karting, were just starting and wont / cant throw big money at it, the main thing is the lad has fun and the bonus is he will already know how to drive when he's old enough to. He's just doing laps just now, time in the seat, might even get a couple of races towards the end of the season, plan is to race next year in Scotland / North England. Watch this space... Cheers...
  5. Hi guys, long time no post... Life took a bit of a turn the last year or so, we'v adopted a wee boy so the Z has been off the road, the whole 2 seat thing just dosnt carry a family so while ahv been skint its been restricted to a 5 minute run to keep her healthy... Question, can the idle be set via OBD? Reason asking she's developed a niggle she had a year or so ago but stopped doing it just as she started, real odd. She runs fine but once warmed up the revs drop to like 500 or something and the engine management light comes on, followed by the slip and VDC. If I keep the revs up she runs normal its only when you take your foot off the accelerator and the revs drop to this ridiculously low idle and ah dont know how it happened. Only thing of note is ah left the lights on last weekend and had to recharge the battery from dead as in power locks no work, nothing... Battery charged ok, just this running issue... Any input appreciated... Cheers...
  6. As said, I was at The Fort (shopping mall in Glasgow for those who dont know) round 17:30 and I parked almost right next to an ice white 370Z... Looks like an angry snake with those lights and the two bits in the grille and the white looked uber cool at night......
  7. Jixaman


    Cheers guys... This will be my job for the weekend...
  8. Jixaman


    Hmmmmm... Hi there, been a long time since I have posted, since we adopted a wee lad the Z has not had much use (hence I got the big Mitsubishi 4x4)... Today I took it for a little run, just bimbled about, didnt rag it at all and it was running fine for about 20 minutes then after reversing it to turn I drove off with no power, nothing, I got just over idle and all the dash was lit up like a christmas tree... Is there any simple way to reset this or have I broken something? I mean, nothing went pop or bang, the car is running fine just wont give me aeny more than a little power... Which is not so good as I live on a hill and it took ages to get a clear bit of traffic to get the run at it I needed to make it... Any help appreciated... Cheers...
  9. Smurf Blue, thats it, like Kermit Green, both odd colours but put them on a cool car and they are stunning...
  10. Last night circa 18:30 going westbound near Ruggy... Something tells me it was a 370, I almost missed it, it was the stunning light blue colour that caught my eye as I was going the other way... Would look nice with "ORANGE" wheels...
  11. As said in Bishopbrigs round noon, I was in the TINY 4x4 that flashed the lights at you...
  12. A different one from the other days... Was me that nipped in front of you and gave you a wee "hello"...
  13. Seen again today, just pulling out of lay-by, flashed the lights today, see if anyone noticed...
  14. This morning circa 08:00, I just came on at Cambuslang, nice Grey 370 sailed past (again me in the big bus)... Its the first time I'v actually looked at one with interest, TBH I have a 350 why look at something else, but today was just so impressed with the tidy look of the rear of the car... Just thinking about what I said there, I was in the Nissan showroom at Ringwerks the other month and I did sit in one, never took much interest in it though, just never took it in... Anyway, nice car whoever you were...
  15. Nice one Alex, will try that...
  16. Thats right, it turns like it should but nothing unlocks... I'v had it happen before (not the whole locked out the car bit, just the driver door not unlocking bit), was a while back but the window was down and I was able to work the lock, I'm just cursed that it happens again now...
  17. Feck, thats worse than the window approach... Key no work, no...
  18. I took the battery out the car to keep it on a trickle charge while I'v not been able to drive it, you can see where this is going, cant you... I'm now locked out of the car (the key point does not work) and the bonnet is down... Is there a way to open the bonnet from outside the car (smashing a window is the last of the last resorts), PM if need be... Let the laughter begin... Cheers...
  19. At the lights on Abercorn street, round about 2, just at the cathedral... Sounded nice...
  20. FFS, 2 days in a row almost same place (was moving this time) and I just saw it at the last minute so could not say if it had the carbon v1... Again, I was in the discreet blend into the background monster van...
  21. Didnt see, was too busy trying not to drive over the stupid bint that nipped into my braking zone as I was using it...
  22. Sitting in the lay-by just off the Whirlies, I was going the other way in the van... Hope everything was ok...
  23. just looking through pictures from me trip and found a nice clean standard grey Z, oh, the red RS, MINTED, the grey GTR reg 004, sweet... Feck, you could spend a lifetime there just looking at whats on show...
  24. Nice one (in a way, you know what I mean)... We usually do long weekends, leaving at half 3 Thursday, a leasurely drive to the tunnel for the twenty past twelve train (its cheap then) then once on the other side drive to the services just north of Aachen (bout half three) and just sleep in the car till rush hour passes by, at the track for ten on the Friday, track Friday, Saturday, Sunday (if possible) and drive back to Calais Sunday afternoon, chill, Monday morning train and a gentle bimble up the road (the worst part of the whole trip)... Anyone down south of England, you dont know how lucky you have it, its just so much easier from there... It can be done for the cost of a long weekend back home, ok if you dont go lots and get a season pass the cost of laps mount up but even then no reason not to give it a go...
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