Well, it kinda does. Science is based very much on the provable, and anything that isn't provable is called a theory. Anything that is provable is called a fact. This is different from faith, where nothing is provable in the slightest and is all based on he-said-she-said written thousands of years ago.
And science helps us all, as a worldwide nation. Obtaining knowledge about how the universe works is key to understanding how everything works, so to dismiss it as not helpful really isn't, well, helpful! For example, exploring other worlds will ultimately lead us to future colonisation to keep the human race going after we've f*cked this planet up completely. Think of it like this: Remember in school when you studied trigonometry, and thought it was all nonsense and how could that possibly help you in life? And then you go and get a job working in construction and realise that maths is the core basis of something as simple as building a home for someone. It's like that.