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Everything posted by Ekona

  1. Strictly Win10 here, might be why. That said, I've not actually tried to stream from a Win10 laptop yet, maybe I should give that a go. But then, that's what my Apple devices do so I guess it's less of an issue for me these days.
  2. Blue and green should never be seen. That's actually worse!
  3. This made me laugh though. I'm good friends with someone who used to be incredibly high up in the mobile phone industry, and I remember her telling me that she used to go out and buy the latest and greatest in mobile phones just to leave on the desk during meetings for the impress factor, when really she hadn't a clue how they worked and far preferred to use her 10 year old Nokia for calls which stayed firmly in her pocket at all times
  4. Fair enough, I've always struggled to get any of my laptops to push sound via HDMI. Could well just be me though, in all honesty. Please bin that sodding Blackberry though
  5. That socket set is a bargain. I'm tempted to get another one at that price tbh.
  6. If you have either an Apple or Android phone, and an Apple TV or a Chromecast, you can Airplay or Cast the screen to the TV. Basically if you've got an iPhone or iPad you need an ATV3 (I have a brand new one here I can let go for cheaps if you want it), or if you have an Samsung or other billionty phone or tablet you need to buy a £30 Chromecast device. Both plug straight into your HDMI TV, and let you stream stuff. They're awesome. Or you can plug your laptop into your TV via HDMI (if you have an HDMI out port on it), but you won't get the sound from anywhere other than the laptop.
  7. That's what I would do
  8. No, he's right. You purchased one battery, and that's what your warranty is based on. They can (and will) replace as many times as you like in that time, but you only get the one warranty which starts with the original battery. You don't get new rights just because they replaced it. I had the same conversation with Ford when the engine blew on our Transit one month before warranty ended.
  9. Seriously? Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear that matey
  10. Just been chatting to a friend about this, best way to do it is to get the official FIA WEC app. You then purchase the races you want to see, either £4 per race or £18 for all minus LM or £25 including LM. You can then either view on laptop, or AirPlay/Chromecast to your main TV which is my plan. You get all the live timing, practice and qualy sessions too. Not free, I know, but not bad value either.
  11. Motors TV and Eurosport. Admittedly Spa isn't shown completely tomorrow, but Silverstone and LM are definitely.
  12. For the sake of a hundred quid, why on earth did you not get the sensor done too?!
  13. Hang on, engine rebuild but your oil pressure sender isn't working? Erm, maybe it's just me but I'd quite like that fixed before I drove a car after open heart surgery.
  14. Brilliant thread is brilliant
  15. Husky man, that colour circle thing is really handy, I've never seen that before. Thanks
  16. I'd be amazed if there were any there, certainly not in the numbers you'd need to make a decision. I didn't see any at all at Japfest the other week.
  17. Just remember there's nothing wrong with not owning a car, being insured as a named driver on the insurance and doing the most miles. It's only an issue if you don't tell the insurer that's what you're doing. £600? I'd snatch their hand off.
  18. I'm not that brave Chris Evans was saying yesterday on R2 that all his Yank friends are expecting Trump to walk the election, on the basis that he's going to galvanise all those people that don't normally vote to get off their armchair and down to a polling station. And you know what, I can believe it too.
  19. Incidentally, last night I put a fiver on Trump to win the presidency election in November. At 3/1, I reckon that's a pretty good shout for some easy cash.
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