Quick one for folks, does anyone have any experience with both Explorer and Les Pauls? I know they're very different guitars, but ignoring tone how different do they feel to play? For both rhythm and lead stuff, preferably Gibson spec but I'll take input from Epiphone players too Standing as well as sitting, if possible.
I spent over three hours yesterday properly setting up the tones on the RP1000 too, and I'm so glad I did. I take back everything I said about it, as all it needed was some tweaks to the on-board equaliser and everything comes alive! Much fuller tones now, the Boogie DR setting is seriously impressive, and the the TR one is face melting! Some wonderful clean tones from the Vox AC30 setting too, full and bright. Best thing to do I found was to set the actual amp to midway on all the tone knobs, then just use the RP1000 via the
PC to adjust settings on the fly. Fiddly but with pretty much unlimited options.
I was all set to drop some serious money on a new amp, but now I really have no need to.