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Everything posted by Ekona

  1. Exactly my point: Could be on the US looms only. Wouldn’t be that hard t do from the factory, they may even just have done it for all LHD cars.
  2. On UK and JDM cars, I doubt it. Maybe on the US ones?
  3. I don't think the plugs are too hard to do on an Impreza as there's a fair bit of room to manouevre, but I've not actually tried it myself yet. The ones on the 911 were a piece of cake though.
  4. I remember our last place, which was also my first, cost the previous owner £58K to buy. We paid £128K for it just two years later in 2003. Not quite as impressive a set of figures as yours, but it does show how the market leapt in the early Noughties. One guy I was chatting with at work a few years back said he bought his place for about £6K in the Sixties, and was then worth about £300K. I did some back of fag packet maths and worked out that, if house prices rose by the same amount over the next forty years or so, that my house would be worth about £14M which seems bonkers But then, I'm guessing £300K also seemed bonkers back in the Sixties so who knows?
  5. I went with £50-£60, but only because I had the figure of £50 in my head. That's what an average non-specialised psychiatrist charges round our way, so I figured that's got to be in the ball park.
  6. I've had ceramic coatings done on exhaust parts before, but that was on turbo applications where you're dealing with much higher temps. Was it worth it? No idea, never took pre/post temps to find out, but it looked pretty No real drawbacks that I'm aware of, but obviously you need a total coating to prevent anything getting underneath it and also reasonably thick so it does the job, On relatively low power NA (i.e. anything short of pure race engines) I wouldn't bother if I'm honest, unless it's for the looks.
  7. Yeah, it's pretty disgusting that we're so far behind. What worries me is that there doesn't seem to be any political will at all to improve things. I get that as a country we're skint, but then at least incentivise the private sector to do something about it themselves.
  8. It may not be my personal topic of choice, and certainly the way this particular discussion has gone has been challenging, but I do think it's an important subject to discuss and understand.
  9. I’ve no issue with BT spending money on sports to generate profits to plough into infrastructure. My personal issue is that something as key as digital comms shouldn’t be left to a private company to do on their own: The government should be pushing them to do far more, and to subsidise connections as well. Putting billions into HS2 for limited benefit of one part of the country is ridiculous, especially when it could be used to benefit every single person throughout the entire country instead.
  10. This is the Other Cars section, so it definitely does have a place here But yeah, EVs are dull. No argument from me there.
  11. Nah, not on just a wheel change, but definitely the springs
  12. I’d supply as well, but that would leave me without enough to line the grill for when I make a bacon sandwich in the morning. Soz.
  13. It’s our fault, really. Feeding the troll and all that. We should stop.
  14. Waaaaay too cheap. They’ll either wear out in a year, or you’ll wish they would as the damping will be so bad you’ll kill the ride quality. Youll still need a geo after you’ve replaced any part of the suspension, or annually at the very least.
  15. Dyno readings mean nothing in isolation, it’s the difference before and after that’s key.
  16. But then what would we do with the internet in the meantime if we don’t debate? Only so many cat videos and porn one can watch. They’re not the same video, btw.
  17. You supply the foil, I’ll make you a smashing hat
  18. Is the other half deciphering it when they’ve used a crap graph?
  19. A graph should be a quick and simple way to view complex data. If people are unable to understand the graph en masse, then that’s the fault of the graph not the people. I too read it incorrectly, because it’s misleading. Not deliberately misleading a la fake news, but it’s the wrong type of graph for that purpose.
  20. Would sir like a tin foil hat with that?
  21. But complicated spelling? Never heard of Bulb. Might well be easier to work on a wind turbine than a gas one, but how many wind ones do you need to generate the same as one gas one? That's where suddenly maintenance can leap up.
  22. I have the time, bit far for me to travel though I’m afraid bud.
  23. For home & business use, sure. I don’t care where it comes from, as long as it’s cheap.
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