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  1. great. much appreciated. i just missed out on one of those ebay ones, i'll get the new one i think.
  2. thanks for all the advice and help. could someone give me a link to 'chilli's' whoever they are. i'll see if they've got any in stock if i'm not successful on that honda aerial on ebay... i'm presuming that these things have a standard screw fixing? the base of the old stubby is still screwed in the fitting which i need to remove first. damn chavs.
  3. thanks for your help.
  4. hi there. could someone point me in the right direction to get a replacement stubby aeriel? some scrote decided to snap mine off. better than keying the paintwork i guess.
  5. hi there as a new (and very happy) zed owner, i was wondering if a member could recommend a car audio specialist in north london. the car had a kenwood 6029 head unit already installed with the ipod & bluetooth extras and i'm looking to add a sat nav unit. i'm told the g421 is the one to go for but i can't find anyone in my vicinity to buy it from / fit it. the only place i've found so far is car audio security in hayes, which ain't exactly local... any help appreciated...
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