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Everything posted by sprevett

  1. was thinking I should get them there beam benders for planned tour of Europe....but then thought should I really bother? I won't be night driving which is when they might make a difference....and have you ever ever ever seen a foreign car over here with them on?
  2. oooh that's worth knowing - good tip thanks! Wasso we're there Aug 4 -15th so can't join you for the Grand St Bernard....but you will see some rubber where we've been..
  3. thanks for the tips guys - now for a stupid question, does the 350Z have a spare tyre/jack? or is it necessary to carry cans of goo?
  4. last minute decision (i.e the best variety) .... 10 days road-trip in August : Manchester-Hull-Brugges-Luxembourg-Frankfurt-Alessandria-Modena-Mont Blanc-Geneva-Paris-Brugges-Hull-Manchester. Phew. I assume the Z will take it on the chin without so much as a rattle...but anyone got any advice re punctures/spares/useful info/European service issues etc? ta sprevett
  5. thanks D4XNY - applied said Nissan regulation medium-firm thump to passenger side of centre console using short swing of left arm at 90 degrees, and Rage against the Machine (which I promise was a total coincidence that it was playing at the time) burst into left hand speaker life to join its right hand brother. Spot on matey - ta! rage no more...Z back in good books!
  6. very odd but I appear to have lost left channel of the CD function, whereas radio is fine on both sides. Is this common? does it mean a new main unit?
  7. yes i agree about lean = bad, but I assume if it was a persistent problem then the warning light would just come on again? will keep a close eye methinks....and interesting what you say about the AC doc austin...it was off at the time....hmm...will put it back on and see what idle speed does. thanks. By the way what sort of Austin is that? looks a bit like my mates which is a 1924 heavy 12/4....?
  8. zed goes for MOT....comes out with engine mgmt warning light on OMG! anyway friendly garagiste mate plugs machine in and gets fault code which says 'engine too lean on one bank' or words to that effect...and then he hears splashy misfire as it idles (which it seems to do now and again....do they all do that?) - so he reckons I may have a fault?! anyway he clears the code and it hasn't come on again...phew... so was it just the horrid MOT man putting it through the emissions check or summat? anyway, car runs just perfick at all times, goes very well....just has a bit of a splashy misfire thing going on now and again...not sure if it started to do it after I fitted Nismo zorst? any ideas anyone?
  9. I have noticed how easily the Z gets stonechipped - especially around the front lower apron - but films seem horribly expensive - has anyone used this type of protection? Is a barrier method better than just the rhythm method... you know, just backing off a bit..?
  10. update; brand new cooler arrived early from Nissan - £130 odd quid so not bad in the end. it looks like they have 'improved' them as the new one is different to the old one, will try and get a photo of them both to post to compare and contrast..
  11. thanks squarehead - it looks like the bottom pipe seam weld that's cracked - maybe it's a stress point that gets too much flex? the dealer has now quoted £140 for a replacement but yes long delays/on back order etc etc - but thankfully I have a trusty TVR to keep me mobile! - I also have the offer of a S/H unit if I get desperate.
  12. chap that just did my P3 for me (£140 inc oil & new spark plugs for anyone interested - located in Bury, Lancs) reckons (as I do) that the volume of air through the vents is a bit miserable and he suggested maybe a blocked pollen filter....except it doesn't seem to have one...is that right? if so, anyone else had similar problem, got any suggestions? ta
  13. Ok so this is probably just punishment for driving the TVR too much, the Z has developed a leaky oil cooler - apparently producing oil mist & a dribble from one of the welds. My service chap says it's unlikely to have suffered a knock and is likely to be just a poorly made unit. Anyone else had one go? Nice man at Holdcroft reckons over £400 to get a Nissan replacement
  14. good to meet you all (what nice people - we really enjoyed the run out, even if it was in the wrong car but hopefully we'll see you all again for the Wales run and the Zed will come out to play. Although....my old TVR 350i hasn' t been out for a while...hmm......
  15. yep - should be there - looking forward to meeting you all:)
  16. PS in return I have told the Griffith not to be spiteful either - no comments about '2 cylinders shy of a proper engine' or 'is that what you call a loud exhaust' etc.
  17. will try to get along to this today - not been to any Zed gatherings before so might be a bit shy and you mustn't laugh if I ask silly questions. Will also try to bring the Zed but might have to resort to Griffith in which case I expect all other Zeds to be nice to it and not make it feel outcast - i.e no nasty comments from Zeds about 'kitcar' or 'your called Trevor haha ' that kind of thing. TVRs have feelings too and at least its engine is in the right place
  18. thanks for the invite squarehead - where exactly are you meeting? might be able to join you - will it be Griffith weather?
  19. thanks for all the feedback guys - much appreciated. It seems quite a few of you get your own oil - is that out of a deep-rooted suspicion that dealers put Mazola Cooking Oil in (recycled from the local chippy)? or that only the right lube will do for your baby - i.e rare gubblybubbly bean oil crushed between a virgin's thighs on the island of Wahay on the 4th Sunday of the summer solstice? hm?
  20. L&G? who they? re spark plugs should I not bother replacing as car only done 20k?
  21. have decided to take mine in to my indie - they are top mechanics and on checking the service booklet the P3 is nothing special - usual oils & filters and a set of plugs - hardly worth £357!
  22. ...seems one of you lot got their P3 for £180? I've been quoted 357. What exactly gets done?
  23. just spoke to my nearest dealer which is now Rochdale - nice chap in service called Kai - quoted me £357 for a P3 service. Anyone know this dealer ? any experiences good or bad?
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