Check the VOSA web site for a model report. If there isn't one, you need to pay for a Noise and Emmisions test via an SVA company. It usually costs around £1200 - 1500. Or you can commision a model report yourself for about £5000. With a view to rent it out to anyone else importing.
Another option would be to lend your car to a company like (I think the main man ther is called kevin Bridges) and pay them a small ammount to cover their costs. They get the model report, you get your car on the road and everyone is happy. Companys like bonsai will more often than not lend the car to them to do this and it will probably just cost you the usuall SVA price. Hope that helps. I';ve just gone through the exact same thing as there isn't a model report for an 06 manual car! But I was lucky and one has litterally just been complete. Although it's not listed on the vosa website yet. Vosa's details lag behind by a few months.