Well, had a ride out last night with Phil and a couple of the lads who are fresh back from the Alps for two weeks. The lucky beggers! We went up Crag Fell as part of a 3 hour ride from Egremont. The drop down from the drop is really steep, and compared to last time I did it in flats, it just wrecked my confidence. Most of the rest of the ride was great, but on the steep downs I'm just not happy clipped in. Flats next time I think, although it was nice to clean the whole climb to the top.
In other news, that most unglamorous of upgrades, the drive train, is due some attention. New KMC chain (well past due) and new steel middle ring and granny on the way, along with a new cassette and a park chain gauge, so I don't leave it so long to change the chain next time.