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Everything posted by AK350Z

  1. Most jealous! Wheres my invite dammit!
  2. Hello marra! (For it is I!) I'll save you the bother with the pics eh?
  3. Chris (Chesterfield) has a FFRR, I believe he likes it despite his tumultuous previous relationship with JLR products...
  4. Correct. A lot of cars have had all the heater and fan assemblies binned to save weight. The zeds look well cool as rally cars, just like Porsche GT3s do.
  5. A sad loss for all his friends, family and even this forum. I hope a couple of folks can attend to represent the club.
  6. 5 of you will make a good draft when road conditions permit too. I got a great tow off a few guys out for a ride in Yorkshire, I asked to tag on the back, and before I knew it I was flying along at 20mph average! Even with panniers and all my kit. Of course you will swap round, but it does make a big difference getting a peloton going. Food wise, for an average 10 hour day (80-90 miles) I'd have porridge for brekkie, mid morning snack of wholemeal pitta + babybell+ saucisson/chorizo, cafe lunch of soup/sandwich + cake, thenmid afternoon another pitta as before, then pub dinner in the evenings (with beer) In between all that i always kept a selection of jelly babies/fuit and nut mix/oat cakes in the bar bag for nibbles. I also had 2 x 1 litre water bottles that I normally re-filled at the lunch stop.After nearly two weeks of that little lot I a) never ran out of energy through the day - complex carbs and protein are key, and b ) I still managed to loose nearly a stone! I was peddling a very heavy bike though, so your calorie intake might be slightly less. I didn't use any sports nutrition products or gels, just ate fairly well and drank a pint of milk in the evening after finishing riding as a recovery drink.
  7. It's not a scam, just an expensive spot the ball comp. I'd enter all the time if it was an actual raffle/lottery.
  8. 15mph average shouldn't pose any problems at all if there's a few of you and are travelling unloaded, especially if that's a representative bike! I averaged 10-12mph on a 'cross bike with about 20 kilos of baggage, so you should be fine. If you are doing the normal 9 day route, 20mph would mean you'll only have to keep it up for maybe a couple of 3hr sessions a day to make the milage, just depends on how enjoyable you want the evenings in the pub to be
  9. Well if he has any more "hack bikes" he can send one up here! We've been struggling through the remaining snowdrifts here, still managing to get around on the trails ok, but still having to walk bits which can be annoying.
  10. Huge Happy Birthday to you Colin! (Now get out the shot!)
  11. martinmac +1 Fri to Sunday. Home. None. Fri night, Sat lunch Sun lunch. Lexx +1 & 2 halves Fri to Sunday. Somewhere None Not sure yet! Moped mark + mrs moped fri-Sunday. Camping. No preference, Fri night, Sat lunch, Sun lunch, we can't wait should be a fantastic weekend Ian + Jayne Fri to Sunday Camping AK350Z Fri to Sun Camping Drive out Eating everything.
  12. Nice, but don't think the frilly bit is really adding anything to the look.
  13. Well it's certainly not the Polices fault!
  14. Not that likely, if you don't look down you wouldn't notice you were in a different car for the most part. It's a touch tighter perhaps, but all the control weights are identical to a HR.
  15. Can't really see it myself, however I don't understand people ragging on the RCZ. I applaud the fact Peugot took a risk and styled a car differently to the rest. I think It's a very good shape, especially with the double bubble roof, and for the money its a very attractive option to all the other boring looking appliances on the road.
  16. Fair play for answering, but I must say your definition of "fully loaded" is a bit different to mine. So whats missing in my Nissan? 3 of the 4 most expensive options for a start. Isn't the proper definition of "fully loaded", BS phrase that it is, is that the car has every available option?
  17. I couldn't get in to work this morning, had to turn back after about 20 mins. Gutted, obviously. There's some serious drifing going on around here, but at the ends of the county at Barrow/Carlisle, there's chuff all.
  18. Fair play for answering, but I must say your definition of "fully loaded" is a bit different to mine.
  19. I would have normally said no, but that day Phil did get a thorned tyre at the top of the first climb! Yeah, fresh fall so not icy at all. Just a good crunch under tyre. Do I detect a group ride in the offing then?
  20. I'm with him. Every other car on the motorway is a 320d these days, and a couple of different numbers on the badge doesn't make it any more desirable.
  21. It's ok, there's a Shell down the road at Ulverston!
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