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Everything posted by AK350Z

  1. Strangly enough so did i a couple of days ago, maybe he prefers the phone! Maybe time for a group buy?
  2. Red Zeds are getting all to common round here! I'm lusting after yours, and i've bloody well got my own! Albeit 600 miles away.
  3. As a fellow new owner, i would say there's little chance you'll stick to the running in procedure! (just like me ) Oh, and it's amaaaaayyyyzzzinngggg!!
  4. Welcome mate, Don't think my GF would forgive me if i went and spent a grand on your reg plate!
  5. Anybody else for +1 post? also, IBTL!
  6. Would if i could fella, if its on one of the 0.5 days a year i'm actually in the uk at the moment!
  7. It's all in the search baby! http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11847&highlight=pa11nis Not much good news though...
  8. Do you have an import? it appears the US cars do have a external plug on the bose systems. http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/IPod_with_350Z_Bose_Sound_System Not sure about uk cars, as we don't have things like satellite radio as an option.
  9. Don't think so mate, as its integral already! There's avenues you can go down to get ipod compatibility, but other than that you are into new head unit territory.
  10. A vid i found of the climb back out of Kinlochewe following Alex. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2115654643496608872&hl=en Whats the code to embed video anyway?
  11. I do mine on the 40 synthetic cycle, liquid detergent, no softener. Just don't wash them with cotton stuff, as they'll pick up all the fluff.
  12. Great pics Colin, hope i'm as fast as you when i grow up!
  13. You spotted me then! We were just starting to heading home i think. I take it you were on foot? i spotted a GM near Holyrood but no wave.
  14. Look good anyway, and if it actually did something then so much the better!
  15. Currently parked outside the hotel, it's a 313 too! Someone's paid a lot out for this, i heard the car tax in Holland is insane, you hardly see any new (decent) cars, just shopping trolleys. In a show of poor form though, i have brought my fleece but no spotted cards, so i may have to stake him out! Pics too:
  16. As you are permanently tethered to the forum Mart, where's the pics?
  17. Don't bother with the test drive, you're going to buy one anyway, they're great!
  18. Another reason for me to carry on watching touring cars instead!
  19. AK350Z

    GTR on 5th Gear

    On youtube too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lPZT6BfiIg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9Jl8yLeV3A&feature=user They should sack those two nobs in the second vid and just hire Bruno!
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